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  • #465866
    Rank: Rank 4

    @norbertz - you can turn off IK limits for extreme poses.

    edit>figure>limits>limits off

    Rank: Rank 5

    If he’s breaking her neck he’s probably got limits off already.

    Rank: Rank-1

    I think most perfections is hidden by gloss but looks nice.

    This is the best ive come up with so far for the face only.

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    Rank: Rank 4

    That's just default genesis8 female ... if you know a physical human who can do much more than that, they're impressive. Most of those over the shoulder poses involve a lot of contortion and are as much bending the shoulder forward (and/or up/down) as turning / tilting the head.

    You can see not a lot of people doing the chin on shoulder thing.

    Rank: Rank-1
    Rank: Rank-1

    Very nice Trek Picture.

    Rank: Rank 5

    @Norbertz it's because humans have muscle, sinew and tendons that we move with, the Daz figures have skin and bones. Nothing can contract so you don't get the natural seating of joints and it's really noticeable in the neck when trying to turn out of bounds.

    Rank: Rank-1

    @Dragon : Thank a lot. I know i still have a mountain load of stuff to learn, but i try to get better at it, little by little.

    : Wow, you think so ? Geez, thank you so much. Yes lighting is my nemesis and i know it's the next huge step i must try to learn. I know y render would look a millions time more beautifull with the right "atmosphere" setting.

    But unfortunatly, everytime i look at video tutorial and forums to try to understand how it work, it give me so much headache. Lighting seem soooo complicated and people use term i barely can translate in my native langage and most of the time, cannont understand their meaning after. 🙁

    If only there was something or some ressources i could easily use that all i would have to do is "click" on the setting choice i want and BAM! all the light and thing are done automaticaly. -_-

    I know there are "light" setting....thingnamabob....items that exist but, i have yet to try them. I don't even know how they work and if they are good. What do you guys think ? Are they any good ? Things like:

    Summer Light for Iray :

    Pure & Simple Lights for Iray :

    Ultimate Environments – Portrait :

    If any of you used them, or use something else you could recommand me, i'm open to suggestion. Any tips to help a beginner noob like me to do some basic lighting would be appreciated. (I don't need to do any super realistic or super fancy lighting though.)



    Thanks but it's still not the neck pose I wanted.
    Neck needs to be back more and shoulders up. Looks a mess however hard I try 🙁



    Yeah I hear ya. I might just try and cover that ugly neck bend with hair and see If I can get as close to the look I want.

    Rank: Rank 5

    @Norbertz, you want something like Kate Moss is doing here?

    over shoulder lookback

    Rank: Rank 4

    Thanks for that. I never knew those rotation limitations, per se. But I knew the chin could not touch the shoulder but rather most pics were with the chin dipped behind the shoulder.
    I was watching a video last night of a model posing and took special care to notice the over the shoulder looks. The entire upper body twisted.

    @norbertz.. Everybody is guessing at what you're trying to accomplish and saying dolls can't do. A pic of a LIVE model posing (waist up) of that actual pose would be helpful.

    Rank: Rank 4

    Break it all down and if you take away all textures and related mapping, they all look fake. I'd like to see a current skin texture technique used for V4. Maybe even an HD version for her.

    I've learned a lot about how skin works recently, and how it translates into giving the figures the illusion of more realism. Fascinating really. When my tickle for drawing/painting again surfaces, I'm hoping I can use that knowledge for my illustrations.

    Rank: Rank 4

    You just have to download the lighting presets and play. I'm still trying to get a grasp on how the whole thing works myself. Sometimes I can't even get my own lights to work at all.

    I have the Pure and Simple Lights. They are a little dark for my purposes.
    But I had to click and render for each one to find that out. (small renders)
    I just grabbed Dawn to Dusk for outdoor lighting. It seems pretty good so far.
    Some sets have instructions. But mostly its trial and error by click and render.

    Rank: Rank 4

    The main problem with lighting presets is they're set up for light to be in a certain position, so for your own scenes, they may not work well so ultimately you're changing stuff anyway... which isn't a terrible way to learn if you're really at the shallow end of knowledge right now.

    I would though highly recommend you check out some basic photography tutorials on setting up 3 point lighting, and replicate that in DAZ yourself... just dont be afraid to really crank the shit out of the lumens because DAZ is weird like that 😀 I usually set my lights to at least 200,000 for anything other than close up portraits (and emissive textures often into the millions).

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