Your Active Offers

Here you can see your Active Offers for the Requests.

To modify or remove your Offer click on the Request's name, then go down to the Offer panel. Increase or decrease the amount, then use the Add / Change Reward Point button. To remove the Offer, use the ❌ button beside your offer. Keep in mind that every change will Bump the request.If your Offer is the only one in that Request and you remove it, the Request will be deleted!

When a Request gets Filled and 48 hours later deleted, the Offer record from this will also disappear.

If you found any Item or Bundle ON THE BLOG that still has an active request, please use the REPORT button in the Request or PM the Moderators ASAP: @warrant63, @anjabear, @monkseye, @eelgoo

Login to view your request history


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