[META] Request fillers not allowing sharing?

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    lin yier
    Rank: Rank-1

    I recently found a filled request, and I PMed both the requester and the request filler following the Request forum instructions, as the request had not been uploaded. Strangely enough, I received the following response:

    "Hi, I’ve messaged the fulfiller (they asked to remain anonymous and for me to not share the model) and given them your username and offer. If they choose to do so they will message you with a link."

    Is this behavior supposed to be allowed/encouraged? It appears to me like this defeats the entire purpose of the site, which is to share files. Funnily enough, this was a 3duk port, meaning the restricting upload of files that the filler doesn't own the copyright to is now ironically repeated at two levels.

    Rank: Rank 7

    If you are not going to wait for the item to be posted to the blog, which it ideally should be, it is the request fulfiller you should approach in the first instance, as they supplied the item.
    If you don't know who that is then you should approach the requester.
    It looks as if the requester is following the procedure.


    lin yier
    Rank: Rank-1

    I think the requester is following procedure, that is not in doubt. The filler was mentioned in the original request thread. I have PMed both the filler and the requester. The filler ignored my PM.

    What I'm concerned about is the filler, who is apparently prohibiting the upload to be shared further, which is why it wasn't posted to the blog.

    I can't see any reason for doing this, since I don't believe there is any personally identifiable information attached to the files purchased from storefronts.

    Rank: Rank 3

    @wtfthis, I couldn't agree with you more. I feel that this is just damned ignorant and greedy and goes against the culture and aim of this site. I you want to share something privately, then don't effing advertise it.
    I feel strongly that the mods, who of course have access to everything, should be quietly grabbing all these 'private' shares and share them somewhere once every few months or so.

    We should watch those sleazy pay sites like Phoung's and see if these private shares show up there. If they do then we know that 'someone' is doing just that.

    Rank: Rank 7

    What was the 3dUF*CK item? I contributed a massive amount of them to the group thing last year. If it was one that I contributed, I will send you a link.

    Rank: Rank 4

    From Request Thread Rules-

    "This is a sharing site.
    Once a request has been filled, the asset supplied should ideally be publicly posted within one week."

    Rank: Rank 6

    As a regular contributor of items I purchased, I post things to the blog when I get around to it. It seems the people who complain, I have never had share from anyway so it doesn't matter. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Rank: Rank Overload

    As a filler, I can attest to the fact that it's easy to lose track of which items got filled on what date, and which ones are due to be posted on the blog. It takes some bookkeeping on my part to manage this, and I try to keep to a 14-day schedule (especially for new releases, to give the PA's a bit more time to earn some money during their prime sales window), but I do occasionally lose track of an item I've filled and forget to publish it until I'm reminded (or someone else uploads it).

    There are other pirate sites, of course, that trade everything privately and treat assets like they were rare collectibles--"I have X, what will you trade me for it?" The newer the release, and the more expensive it is to buy, the more valuable it is in that kind of trading economy. But its value drops to zero once the item becomes commonly available to anyone, so there is no incentive for people to share those assets publicly.

    I have seen that sort of mentality from some new members here, probably because that's the sort of environment they're used to. They're only interested in getting assets that they can use to trade for other assets elsewhere, and of course if we publish everything here within 7-14 days that gives them relatively little time to capitalize on the value of those items. Either they eventually come around to our way of thinking about the sharing economy, or they lose interest and go elsewhere.

    Rank: Rank 7

    I have a general rule of uploading to the blog with in a few days. It's annoying when some people don't share things to the blog.

    Rank: Rank 4

    I reckon to be fair and not bite the hand that feeds us we should delay general release for about a week or two to allow PAs to grab most of their money from product sales. I can understand why some would say "fuck this game" when their stuff gets pirated and released the day after they sell it, and stop producing content because of that.
    Personally I wouldn't be averse to a general 2 week delay for all new products, a period where PAs make 90-95% of their money, before sharing. I know that wouldn't be popular with the "must have" and "hoarder crowd" but I would say they're probably the same people who hoard for the sake of it and generally don't produce anything artistically worthwhile with it anyway.

    Paul (Fuzzy3000)
    Rank: Rank 5

    A delay of a week or two before posting filled items has never been an issue here, and almost everyone followed this guideline.
    The issue more recently are the fillers that state not to post as they will do so later - and yet after months of waiting still nothing.
    Even worse - those that ignore a PM request for the item.
    Even after placing a new requet thread for an item on the blog -as the PM request was ignored - the OP decided to fill other requests and still not reply to my request, or follow up PMs.

    The vast majority of members here fill, and reply quickly and cheerfully.

    Otheres are just childish tossas [thankfully the extreme minority].

    If there are rules laid down everyone should follow them or, as mentioned, those ignorant ones should just stick to private shares and keep off the main blog.
    Admin should do more to help enforce these rules for the benefit of all who actually play by them.

    Rank: Rank 4

    start by filling requests with stuff you have purchased and or add them to the site , ppl will see your an active sharing member they intern will be more willing to share with you.

    Rank: Rank 4

    I also think the site should offer points for products not in the wild already to encourage sharing , so after a request is filled or you just want to share u can give the file to one of the admins (for the pts) and it can then be posted to the site that way if u wish to remain anon u can.

    Rank: Rank 7

    Monk already does this & has done for a very long time.

    He has a sticky with the most recent offers which gets updated at least twice a week.

    SUPERDUPER! ~~ 5000 points pro item for limited time. Check Weekly!

    Rank: Rank 4

    I don't see anything saying for products NOT in the wild already just for Pro items and that is for only a limited time. It shouldn't only include new items (just released) it should be for EVERY item not in the wind already.

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