(OPINIONS EVERYONE) Genesis 9 is out!

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  • #1880452
    Rank: Rank 4

    LOL a bit over the top. But considering he/she didn't delete DS with Genesis 1, also a unisex figure, it might just be a bit of hyperbole.

    Rank: Rank-1

    Thank you @Kefka these comps are exactly what I have been looking for.

    Most of the morphs I installed for G8 was basically to get G8 to bend like G9 and I will switch for this alone. These bends are huge in getting the looks of a soft(er) body even if Daz cannot implement the physics.

    Rank: Rank 4

    I'm finding that I don't care about the genderless/androgynous base. I just acquired Victoria 9 and from what I can understand, despite being a blatantly female figure, male clothing is still going to show up in my smart content pane for Victoria 9 as well? I prefer using the smart content pane when I can, instead of trying to browse through an ever-growing content library and having to click through a bunch of folders to find what I am looking for.

    If this is the case, then whenever we start seeing more clothing for both genders, it's all going to be a cluttered mess unless I now try and manually categorize everything by revamping the smart content categories. I don't plan to have a male character wearing a skirt or a dress, for example, so I don't need those clothing options showing up whenever they have "Luke 9" or whatever. Like, not everything is actually unisex.

    If I wanted to crossdress a male or female, there were other products that allowed for that. But I don't want a bunch of male (masculine) styled clothing showing up for female characters, and vice versa.

    Maybe I'm just not understanding yet how this new figure is supposed to work, though. I only use DAZ3D at an amateur level, mostly out of boredom when I have nothing else to do and want to waste some time.

    Rank: Rank 4

    For a change of pace, I'd love to make animations like these.... so cute. And of course have the skill level to be able to make them. Maybe in another life. Made in Blender by Elektratouch. You'll need to log in.




    Rank: Rank-1

    Questions are ripe ...... Do I understand correctly - that the most important improvement is the skin, and the topology of the face? And the biggest problem is the topology of the rest of the body - which is not "anatomical" - and therefore other applications will have problems installing their own rig?????

    Rank: Rank 7

    For me, the main problem lies in the mesh.
    With going for a unisex mesh, similar in principle to the original genesis approach, the mesh is neither male or female, & lacks mesh density in the gender appropriate areas.
    They could have done a better job by increasing the mesh density in those areas.
    Mostly, character wise, I think we are going to have effete males & butch females, like we had with the original Genesis.

    I do hope I am wrong.

    Rank: Rank 7

    Another aspect is file size.
    Properly optimised files mean that lower spec computers will not struggle so much manipulating data.
    There have always been good & bad merchants in this respect.
    Lazy, or lesser skilled merchants bulk up file size in search of perceived quality.
    A good vendor will optimise efficiently, with little compromise in quality.
    Quite often I think, 'Why is that hairstyle so large in its file footprint.It doesn't look that special.'
    On the flip side, very occasionally, I will think 'How have they got such a detailed great looking scene in to such a small file size?

    Rank: Rank-1

    I went to the Daz store and got acquainted with the characters of Genesis and V5m5 ...... Much became clear .....
    On the other hand, on the official forum - many manufacturers - respond quite positively ......
    Then let's look at the products that will be released ......

    Rank: Rank 7

    Yes, as has been said earlier, they seem to be catering towards the vendors convenience rather than the end users.

    That is in addition to the shady practice of splitting outfits into seperate items to pad out lack of content & facilitate nickel & diming their customers.


    Rank: Rank-1

    Hey Eelgoo, So I've been using Genesis 9 for a bit and can 100% confirm your characters are going to look just as masculine or feminine as the previous generation. Not sure why characters looked butch or effeminate on Genesis 1 (I wasn't using daz back then) but my guess would be morph limitations that no longer exist. It is true that Base Feminine and Base Masculine are following this rule but they've been purposely made that way to assist with transitions between the two (for those that wish to do so). If you want to use content the way you did in the past all new characters going forwards should work the exact same. A fully dialed in morph will be able to make a character 100% feminine or 100% masculine.

    Rank: Rank 7

    OK that is a little more encouraging.

    I still have my doubts re the poly density in the breast area though.


    Rank: Rank-1

    I'm afraid that the situation with the new figure will be like:
    there will be implants from different manufacturers for all problem areas - Frankenstein ....

    Rank: Rank-1

    Does anyone have insights on restrictions of non-Daz PA in G9? I buy a lot of Sangriart characters and in G8 she was limited to subD2. is that still the case? I think to even see a belly button G9 needs subD3.

    Rank: Rank-1

    Thank you for the analysis @kefka (and might I add FF6 is still better than FF7 IMO lol)

    I think they should have at least waited before releasing this. There're not many morphs for G9, and I'm a little shocked they released without head and body morphs.

    Currently, the UV is either Victoria freckles, uncanny vitiligo, Jacqueline peach, Jinx Jones brown, Rosia Maria tan, or Aiko skin... with not much variation, although I suppose you could adjust the Translucency Color to alter the tone. But a lack of blemishes, pores, stretch marks, or topical imperfections leaves these skins bland. I understand they wanted 4K textures, but there's not enough emphasis on Detail Normal Maps and Specular Roughness Maps, so why bother? When I heard they teamed up with Texturing.xyz for Victoria GF8.1's promo images, I became excited. Working with G9, I see the improvement in HD skin, but it's still a far cry from where it needs to be for 2022 (going into 2023). I know I'm asking too much for such an old, antiquated UI, but for how much they nickel and dime you in the store, I don't think they offer enough for anyone to make that change.

    Since there's currently no way to alter the face and body to what I want, without the long process of using a wrap in Blender, I'm kind of stuck ATM until there's a morph.

    Don't get me wrong, I like the potential and I will no doubt use it regardless... but I hate the launch execution. If you're making a generational leap, don't (as gamers once said during mid 2000's) give us two Nintendo Gamecubes duct-taped together and call it a revolution :-/

    Rank: Rank-1

    @Goblyn There isn't as much content as we'd expect right now but if it just takes time, I'll happy to wait.

    But your point about cost and content is pretty much the same as many others stated. DS even on discount is expensive. G9 is in fact not that great right now with some things but other things are great. It'll be not perfect for everyone but also not bad for anyone. G9 somehow makes people either hating or loving it lol.

    Edit: This skin resource looks promising for the beginning - https://www.daz3d.com/sy-flexible-skins-and-merchant-resource-for-genesis-9

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