Manual Install to DS

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  • #1263237
    Rank: Rank 7

    Many thanks to ShadowHawk

    I posted that link in the sticky

    General Freebie Links.


    Rank: Rank 7

    @tomsk has been kind enough to make this a sticky.
    So at least I won't have to keep searching for it to reference it for folks.

    Thanks a lot, mate!


    Rank: Rank 4

    If you put stuff in wrong folders, it can break some products though. You'll have to re-associate textures with products. Uncompressed DUF files are just JSON files. You can use powershell to update paths, i'm not going in to that, because i hate teaching, but if you are clever enough with power shell, (or a text editor) you can super orgranize your stuff. Just wanted to throw that out there if anyone was as much as a geek as me. I do a lot of file reads, decompress, decrypts so i can convert and import directly to VAM (Virt-a-mate sandbox)

    I usually user powershell and do
    $objDufFile = GET-CONTENT A:\DAZ3D\StudioLibrary\exports\blablah.duf | convertfrom-json

    then edit the object with powershell and update paths, but also remember that dufs and other dsf files use / instead of \ in their paths.

    but that's just me. maybe one day i'll create a gui duf inspector. maybe.

    Rank: Rank 7

    Yes, that is really the next level.

    What I am trying to do here is explain how to keep a coherent, organised runtime (My Library) in fairly simple terms.


    Rank: Rank-1

    Ok... Having a wee bit of trouble with executable installs of assets. EVERY time I try one of these I get errored out. It doesn't matter what asset I am attempting to install if it is an executable Daz3D product I have yet to succeed.

    For instance: The Scuola. Jumped through several hoops including what is written here but...

    Could you make it CRYSTAL clear how I can go through a manual install or any install through from start to stop?

    Rank: Rank 7

    Well, I took a long time drafting this out, step by step including exe extraction, covered in the first post of the thread.

    If you upload the file you are struggling with I will see if I can make a manual install folder for you.

    Rank: Rank Overload

    @rycharde you can ask someone to install the exe locally on their machine for you, and then zip up the installed results for you.

    Essentially the old .exe installers would install to your runtime, BUT, keep in mind this particular product was created for use with POSER, it came out before Daz Studio even existed. So it will lead you thru the steps to install to your "Poser Runtime" location, which means it is looking for the location of your now "Daz Studio Content", but the "Runtime" folder inside of it.

    Essentially the best way to do this is simply install the EXE contents to a TEMP directory and look at it, and then manually copy the resulting files over your DS Runtime space so they folders line up.


    Rank: Rank 7

    Yep. That is pretty much what I said in the first post. 🙂

    Rank: Rank-1

    If I understood you instructions on running the manual install on executables, I have tried it several times but...

    The Scuola.rar


    directory structure for instal

    Rank: Rank 7

    OK I'll give it a shot for you.
    I suspect it may be a pathing issue.

    Rank: Rank 7

    It extracted fine for me.

    Either your path is too long or it does not recognize the underscore in the folder name.

    I just named my folder 'Extract' & placed a dummy DS exe in it to fool the installer.

    If you still can't get it to work, I'll upload the extracted files for you.
    Please let me know.

    Rank: Rank-1

    D'oh! It worked when I dropped the folder into the root.

    You'd never know I made the transition from DOS to Windows ****

    I forgot the character length of the directory name or non-ASCII names. Blank spaces and such. And I was in the tech community too. Windows 10 has softened me up a bit.

    Thanx much and sorry for the bother. 🙂

    Rank: Rank 7

    Its fine. Sometimes the obvious gets overlooked. 🙂

    Rank: Rank 7

    You are very welcome, and I am pleased you found it useful.
    Any specific questions either put it on this thread or PM me, and I will try to help out.

    Rank: Rank 3

    Just adding my 2¢:

    I'm more interested in the attributes of the character rather than the name of the PA who created it. So my People/Character folders have subfolders based on ethnicity (white, black, asian, other) or age (old or young). Age supersedes ethnicity, so all older asian models would be in the old subfolder, rather than the asian subfolder, etc.

    This is the same concept I use for environments.

    And since I like to create custom content more than using OTS products, I have created a Custom folder under People, Environment, Props, and Poses and have a unique folder structure under each of those as well.

    If only there was a way to open .max files in blender, I'd be in fat city.

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