Meh. @zemlon brings up good points. His tone is a bit problematic though for sure.
I don't agree with his attacks on hunter. If hunter can make money off this site, I support that 100%, regardless of how he does it.
To my friend zemlon, I recommend you take ethiopia's advice from the previous thread. He also had problems with leechers and other sites back in the day. He took some time off and came back refreshed and back to his old happy, level-headed self.
This stuff doesn't matter to 99% of visitors to this site. It's using a computer to draw scenes and tell stories, most of us doing it in our spare time. But if you're one of those whose life revolves around DAZ, then I recommend you learn how to use maya/3ds-max, blender, zbrush and C4d. Then you can create whatever you want. Once you get good at it, you can crank out a basic character in less than a day and a basic environment in a weekend. At some point, DAZ will probably try and address the pirating issue. Best to be prepared when that day arrives.