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Rank: Rank 4

While we're grip'n there's also the people who join and then send out a shit-ton of friendship requests to garner points. I look at their history and if they're not regular contributors, not with upping the latest stuff but contributing in the way of participating in discussions or art competitions or the general site vibe, then I say fuck off. It's not an elitist anti-newbie thing and I've transferred thousands of points to new members to start them off, but it's pretty easy to tell who is suited to be amongst us.
Personally I'm not in a position to buy and contribute anything from Daz. Haven't had any income for the last 18 months, but I do convert and contribute stuff to Free Recourses, and some older stuff to the general sharing blog.
Like in a lot of things I've seen in the past on similar sites that have gone down the drain, it isn't so much what people do or don't do, but a general bad attitude of and between longstanding members that develops. Let's no go down that path.


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