Voters Make them Responsible for their choices

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  • This topic has 117 replies, 16 voices, and was last updated 7 years ago by ADAM.
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  • #491263
    Rank: Rank 4

    @adam - i looked at the first 5... roughly ... triangle (but also a sketch so composition meh), triangle, great negative space, 'golden ratio', ugly picture.

    jason david
    Rank: Rank-2

    @Rob Hey Rob I'll let you know when as to the competition because I need some time to deal with that. I know that some people like to shout their ignorance to others and they don't know it's a boom-rang....The BLIND MAN AND THE SNAKE>>>>
    French Impressionism is one of the most successful and influential art movements of all time. Yet in the beginning it was met with derision, not just by the critics but by all sections of the viewing public. Monet, Renoir and Pissarro nearly starved. Sisley died in poverty.

    the whole point of art appreciation is to explain WHY we like or dislike something, not simply WHETHER we like it or not. For example, you may end up disliking a picture because it is too dark, but you may still like its subject matter, or appreciate its overall message. To put it simply, saying "I don't like this painting" is insufficient. We need to know the reasons behind your opinion, and also whether you think the work has any positive qualities.

    jason david
    Rank: Rank-2

    Today I'm going to present some images from DAZ products and also from known Famous artists then I'll SHOW not YELL how they have used some FORMAL ELEMENTS of COMPOSITION that some brains can't grasp.
    First the images then
    a female on the sofa with a remote control in hand
    a girl sitting in a corner in an abandoned home
    two figures holding swords in hands
    a pinup by frank frazetta
    a lady lying on the floor

    jason david
    Rank: Rank-2

    Here are the images again with some geometrical figures that have been used in these artists products

    a female with a remote control in hand

    a girl sitting in a corner looking up at an abandoned house

    How the diagonal line top-left and the one following the roof show like an open eye to the past
    the same girl sitting on the floor and looking up at some frames on the wall

    two dueling swordswomen

    the same dueling swordswomen again

    the pinup by frank frazetta

    a lady posing on the floor

    jason david
    Rank: Rank-2

    Visual art is NOT about looking AT something roughly.....If you don't HAVE a vision

    Rank: Rank-1

    This spot looks out of place. I think it would look better if it were centered.

    WTF was God thinking.

    Come on...

    Way to many of the same object. WTF is God thinking. Toss in some frikin octagons or something.

    OK I give up. You'd thing a cosmically powerful being could draw a straight line.

    Rank: Rank-1

    Hi Jason would you have any examples of good pictures vers the bad using same character scene? and broken down into thirds and such to show why ones better and how its better?

    Rank: Rank-1

    jason david
    Rank: Rank-2

    Hi @Coolcat I am only using the good ones from renown artists to show my point about composition and the elements that make it. Generally if the CENTER OF INTEREST doesn't fall in the eye of the spiral or in the INTERSECTIONS of diagonals then you'll have to move it there to fit it in. Today I am presenting an artist who is well-known for using the fibonacci sequence and especially the pentagram and the pentagon in his compositions. I am talking about Kurasov the Russian artist. Here is one of his paintings and the point is to try to find those geometrical elements and the diagonals because he uses them a lot in his paintings.

    a painting bu Kurasov showing a woman dressed in red

    Here is the outline of the geometrical measurements and shapes he is using
    outline of geometrical shapes using the golden ratio

    If we put the geometrical measurements and the golden ratios on the painting here is what we get
    the painting by kurasov with the geometrical measurements and the golden ratio applied

    Here is a page from the book The Golden Section to help you see how the geometry is constructed
     the golden section from a book
    The most important element in all this is of course the pentagon shape and also the pentagram
    a pentagram from a book

    Here are some links about the pentagram and the pentagon geometrical shapes

    The golden ratio in 60 seconds

    how to draw a golden ratio spiral

    how to draw a perfect pentagram

    I'll try to find anonymous 'bad' examples as you can call them and then post them in but some real practice is needed if you take a painting and then inside PAINTER or GIMP or another software try to fit it in within a composition helper such as the spiral or the diagonals and analyse or see for yourself the relationships and how the artist managed to use the perspective and the shapes to fit in the painting.

    Rank: Rank-1

    As with the first Blade Runner.

    I want to see anothet test group.

    Im sure there are those that are non conformist

    Rank: Rank-1

    Ive got 3-4 posts here with renders. Ill be glad to have a pro analyze the mathmatical structures and color coordination.

    jason david
    Rank: Rank-2

    Here is a video i did quick but i think it shows how to build these geometrical figures to help us in our work!EXY0XC4C!TAL0ymd6yzsbJ4826-tKXwh_ZsXoT7B5O93ha2oSs8c

    When Coleridge tried to define beauty, he returned always to one deep thought. Beauty he said is unity in variety! Science is nothing else than the search to discover unity in the wild variety of nature, or more exactly, in the variety of our experience: Poetry, painting, the arts are the same search, in Coleridge's phrase, for unity in variety.
    Charles Sheeler was a master of both painting and photography, and his work in one medium influenced and shaped his work in the other. In 1927, he was commissioned to photograph the Ford Motor Company's new River Rouge Plant near Detroit. Then the world's largest industrial complex, employing more than 75,000 workers, the plant produced Ford's Model A, successor to the famed Model T. Sheeler's photographs were used for the company's advertising, but he found himself greatly inspired by the subject, which he declared "incomparably the most thrilling I have had to work with." In 1930, he began painting oils of the plant, creating over the next six years American Landscape (1930, The Museum of Modern Art, New York), Classic Landscape (1931), River Rouge Plant (1932, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York), and City Interior (1936, Worcester Art Museum, Worcester, MA).

    american landscape of a plant and mountains horizon

    Here are more golden ratio and spiral pics
    face of a female with diagonal shades

    a city painting with a female in the far distance

    a female sitting and a tiger beside her
    portrait of marie denise villers

    a painting of Venus cupid and bacchus


    Here are two photographs about the beach each one tries to convey a mesage but which one conveys it better?
    image of a beach and palm trees
    image of a beach and some umbrella and chairs

    Here are some more suggestions about the golden ratio and the harmonious triangles in art but i don't claim i invented any of these...
    If the message is peace and tranquility then the second one is better as it only uses Mostly HORIZONTAL LINES that convey calm and the chairs are there without any other distracting object but if the message is Fun and dancing the first one uses diagonals and too many objects in the scene and creates more happy hour stuff...

    Rank: Rank 4

    The composition of the first image is much more complex, and I would argue is the 'calmer' of the two images.

    The first image uses a triangular composition where the palm trees form a frame around the central image (the chairs). This triangle encompasesses and protects them. The foreground chair is also situated on the right side of the triangle, a guardian of the central chairs. The use of less glaring clouds and some elements on the water to break it up make the background less stark and allow the triangular element to move the viewers eye naturally around the piece.

    In contrast the second image is bland, stark, and made of glaringly distinct sections.

    jason david
    Rank: Rank-2

    Basics about lines, shapes and color and how they affect composition can be found in the book (uped here) Basics Photography: Composition by David Prakel

    Here is what he says about these FORMAL ELEMENTS:
    from the meaning of lines p47

    The meaning of lines
    There are two states of balance for straight lines; vertical lines are one. They represent a balance of forces and are static.
    Angled lines are dynamic. They are most unstable around 45 degrees - the line appears about to fall flat at any moment.
    Sinuous, S-shaped lines are known as beauty or 'Serpentine' curves.
    Zigzag lines are evidence of a disruptive force, and are interpreted variously as exciting, angry or unsettling. They represent concentrated energy.
    Horizontal lines are the most stable. They respond to gravity and are at rest and motionless.

    page 75 Tone:
    Low-contrast images evoke tranquility.
    High-contrast images contain more extremes
    They are attention-grabbers and their graphic nature can sometimes enhance the compositional structure of an image.

    page 82 Color:
    In aesthetic terms, colours adjacent to each other on the colour wheel are described as being in 'hannony', whereas colours opposite to each other are said to be in 'discord'.

    A blue flower stands out from a yellow background or a red sailboat stands out on a sea
    reflecting a blue sky.
    'Warm' colours revolve around yellow and 'cold' colours around blue.

    Colour ssociations
    In Western culture, red is a signal colour associated with warning, action, fire and anger. Not surprisingly, red is heavily used in advertising. White is associated with purity - but in the East it is connected to death and mourning. Blue is associated with cold, clarity, space
    and winter
    . Yellow, the colour of the sun, is associated with heat, life, joy and summer.

    Rank: Rank-1
Viewing 15 posts - 76 through 90 (of 118 total)
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