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Tagged: coronavirus threisnogod
- This topic has 18 replies, 11 voices, and was last updated 2 years, 9 months ago by
March 17, 2020 at 1:17 pm #1520244
InactiveRank:We here at ZoneGFX would just like to say that we hope you are all safe and well!
Please do your best to look out for not only yourselves but others around you by acting responsibly during these trying times.
For your information @hunter posted this rather handy thread:
Prevention of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
(https://zonegfx.com/forums/topic/prevention-of-coronavirus-disease-2019-covid-19/)Our thoughts are with you all.
On behalf of your admin team, Tomsk.
March 19, 2020 at 5:55 pm #1523555Moved to the other thread....
October 4, 2021 at 9:06 am #1735699This aged... Well its aged not to how we thought it would.
October 20, 2021 at 5:27 pm #1741012It's aged how I thought it would. If people would stop politicizing everything we would all be alot better off today in so many ways.
November 16, 2021 at 4:58 am #1749399Yes politics and religion ruined the world. Only total anarchy and natural selection should dictate who should survive and rule the weak.
November 16, 2021 at 5:26 am #1749403@d0gg0d without society we would all be weak ignorant or dead. We would live a third of our lifespan. We would all be grunting, sick and we would still be living in holes in rocks. No medicine, education, literature, art or technology, or electricity, no modern anything and you wouldn't be sitting there looking at that fancy device, trading and talking to people around the world free to give your opinion. One way or another you would just be in a hole and in the dark. Cruelty and hatred is born of ignorance and insecurity and is the true weakness
November 17, 2021 at 3:56 am #1749661The medical field keeps the weak alive so they can continue to have children born with the same medical issues. It keeps people that have poor health habits alive so we can continue to pay to keep them alive.
People seem to think that extending life is a great thing. Seeing my family members suffer for years in hospital beds has taught me different.
Maybe we will all be happy when we can transfer our brains into an android or create people that live for hundreds of years by manipulation DNA and replacing parts with cloned organs.
Only the extremely wealthy will benefit first of course. Eventually leading to over population and the need to cull the herd.
I guess people see the information age as a great service to humanity. Its taught me what humanity is really like. Sure there is some good but its like specs in a sea of blackness.
I do not see the future utopia some believe we are headed for.
Call that what you will. I call it being a realist.The few people put in power will almost always abuse the authority given them. All you have to do is look at the past. Have we really come any farther in making the world better for everyone or is it better just for you? Corporations still use slave labor to manufacture products to sell at a profit that makes them multi millionaires while some children are lucky to eat as well as a pedigree dog.
We've come no further than Pharaoh sitting on his throne. We just call him a different name.
November 17, 2021 at 5:57 am #1749668@d0gg0d
Yes but the answer is not to go backwards or to cull the heard as you say. We will all die/breakdown eventually and, in the meantime continue to require fuel and resources, reguardless of what form we take. Still I'm not ready to give up hope in the preservation of our humanity and with it our compassion. We have to educate people to move forward. We have to put systems in place that work for the common good while perserving free, creative independence, choice and the future. Ignorance and greed will always be a problem and, politically speaking, the world is definately on the wrong track. Too few people hold all the influence, power and wealth. Were paralized by a lack of innovation in order to keep the status-quo, with the same greedy and ignorant leaders/parties/corporations that ignore reality and our greatest threats and needs, along with their responsibilty. Politics is the new religion and that's not a good thing. Too often religion is used to divide and justify autrocities that benefit weak and insecure leaders that rule with fear, division and hatred, but the true power will always be with the masses. One way or another we do choose our leaders. That's why the ability to manipulate the public politcally with blind faith is so powerful. It is a huge step backwards toward the dark ages and independent thought is our only defense. I don't see the utopia you speak of and I'm not optimistic at all but I stll remember when I was. I am a realist. None of this is new. What is new is global social media. Most people are completely unaware of the manipulation and control they're constantly inundated with, all the while believing that their decisions, choices and opinions are their own. It doesn't matter in reality whether you're on the right or left or what religion anymore. It's all divisive BS designed to either keep you a passionate believer in BS or dicourage you from giving a shit with BS. The problem with reality is that it will always be a matter of perspective and thus it's a different thing depending on every experience and circumstance in ones lifetime. There is no one reality and therefore there is no one truth. Social media changes that. Each person's reality is their own but these days too many think they know the truth without recognizing that "their truth" is only what they believe. It's what they've been told over and over with propaganda desisigned to exploit circumstances and experiences. It's designed to misinform. The difference between knowing and not knowing the truth is simple. The ignorant believe anything that reinforces what they already believe. That is truth to them and it's convenient. The intelligent are completely aware that, in reality, we don't know shit and that's inconvenient. It takes more than BS to convince the informed and educated because those people have to make a choice. They have to make up their own minds instead of having all their information spoonfed to lazy minds. Me, I'm stll hoping for some enlightenment for us all before there's a total breakdown of culture and our society. There are answers if enough people recognize the problems and care what they are. "We’ve come no further than Pharaoh sitting on his throne. We just call him a different name." You have a point but we have come farther. We have, at times, headed in the right direction, even for long periods. Social media may be the end of society, go figure, but I'm sure the pharaohs would have made the same use of it to dumb-down and control their public. It's just one constant commercial that people can't stop watching. It reminds me of that Star Trek TNG episode called "The Game." I'll give you that the oportunities for a bright future are fading and we may already be too far gone. I don't know. There are a lot of lazy zombies out there trying to eat brains instead of using them. Far more than I ever realized and it's getting worse eveyday but it's been dark before. The point is that people are not the enemy. Only ignorance, insecurity and all the bad that come from it. That's what we should be fighting. Not eachother because it is the one common threat to us all. Cruelty and the mistreatment of each other will only serve to justify the future cruelty and mistreatment of others and it will never end. Where do you think all these SOB's come from? We have to recognize them for what they are, weak damaged cowards that are anything but strong. Cowards prey on the weak and innocent. That's why the strong should and do protect them. At this point I'm just hoping people will suprise me again and WTFU before I drop. Until then I will continue to honor and cherish the good people that I love😊November 17, 2021 at 2:53 pm #1749712Everything we do is based off our moral,political and spiritual beliefs. Even if you have no religion you still have the belief we may be alone.
You can not separate them from you. It is who you are.
You can also choose to go against your beliefs and rationalize to yourself that it's OK. I believe that stealing from a person is wrong. I believe stealing from me is wrong. Yet here I am downloading others work for free.
You could ask me if I liked the last Star Wars movie and I would say no. Several people would then as why? I would then have to explain why I thought it was garbage. This explanation would bring in my opinions that are based in my beliefs that are based off moral and political opinions as well as what I find interesting. Which was formed by my environment.
I've no malice towards delusional people. I've yet to know if a year there wasn't multiple murders, rapes, thefts, suicides, slaves or any other thing "I" consider morally wrong.
America still has and supports slave labor. Still has human trafficking. Still has racism.
We are working toward a better life for money. Medications are ridiculously over priced as well as health care. We want space travel because we need another place to live once we screw this one up.
I'm not saying there aren't people out there actually working towards a better life for humanity for zero personal gain. I'm saying they are very rare. The concept of MINE is started once you give a child a toy.
I know who I am. I'm a good person when I choose to be. A bad person when I choose to be. I "believe" I know what is right and wrong and choose to do both. My moral compass may not line up with others and thats why humanity will never fully agree on anything. That's why wars will always happen. If we discovered Earth 2 on the other side of the Sun, there would be a mass effort to try and claim it as MINE before someone else did.
We are a species that holds property more valuable that lives. We are territorial predators with love for one another when it suits us.
Get rid of race it will be status. Get rid of status it will be appearance. Get rid of appearance it will be property. Get rid of property it will be education. There will always be something to set people apart from one another. Movies based on Mars vs Earth are based off what would happen if we were to actually start colonizing planets. One of my favorite movies. "Blade Runner" turns clones into unwilling slaves and only the "little people" that cant afford to leave Earth remain here as a global slum.
Movies like Wall-E, Mad Max, Terminator, ect... show where we are headed. Once we develop computers that have AI its a matter of time before we are either replaced or assimilated. There is a reason there isnt a navigation computer in DUNE. Most would have little moral dilemma in harvesting organs of clones if it meant we could stay alive for 160 years.
My ramblings are pointless because in 40 years Ill probably be dead and nothing you or I say will have impacted the world to any great extent. We may make a person smile, frown or laugh but the butterfly wont change the weather.
Language warning
November 17, 2021 at 5:06 pm #1749766November 17, 2021 at 8:34 pm #1749829I like people that dont sugar coat things. George opened my eyes to some realities.
November 18, 2021 at 7:02 am #1749913ty for all the content to pass this time at home
December 5, 2021 at 6:34 am #1754763why is a scamsite like coinhouse put up in front, id donate but dont know a safe way to buy coins anymore as 90% is scam, Those who have coins dont want to sell now and most exchanges is only up to take your cc and save them for a scam a month or two later:p
BUT PEOPLE MISS USED IT AND BRING CHAOS.May 4, 2022 at 7:32 am #1803637Jesus fucking Christ what absolute crap from people. I have always thought people were horrible nasty creatures just out for themselves and then I had a pain in my sinus and had to have a CT scan, the results of which told me why I think like that and I have just found out late 2021 that I have a hole in my frontal lobe and my parietal lobe.
So I guess now I would be considered weak by some (victims), although I have two beautiful children my daughter is a managing director for a communications company and my son is an IT tech in a school and is currently half way through a degree in computer engineering.
Unfortunately it is a fact people are horrible and way to quick to judge.
And as I have no empathy or compassion and without realising through neuroplasticity have unintentionally learned to read peoples facial expressions, body language, tone of voice, situational awareness instantly because of the basic human need to survive my brain has rewired me into something that could easily be the next stage of evolution as that is what I needed to survive I can look objectively at people and read them like a book and I can tell you from a completely detached position people are fucking horrible selfish creatures.I don’t look disabled but because of the area that is damaged I could quite easily rip your face off due to uninhibited behavioural and emotional control. To me people are victims. They incite you to react and then they are shocked when you do. They deserve everything they get. Do me a favour if you’re out and about with your loved ones stick to your own. Don’t stare at other people, mind your own fucking business and let others get on with their own lives, this way no one gets hurt and I don’t go back inside because of another so called victim. Be considerate and keep your fucking distance.
I will not get into a flame war although I know this is inevitable, as there is always one small dick, keyboard warrior arsehole who thinks they are safe behind a screen, so I will not reply as all you are doing is proving me right, people need to loose their Ego this is the problem right there. How can you argue with my opinion when you cannot empathise with me because you have no clue what it is like to have none.
Edit: by the way I’m not looking for sympathy because literally I don’t care. I just wanted to add if you want to become a better person and make this world a better place there are as far as I know only three ways to loose your Ego…
1.) Get the shit kicked out of you for a nice wake up call
2.) Meditation and spiritual awakening
3.) HallucinogenicsHave a nice day fuck you =)
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