Render Forever

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  • #1433475
    Kerry Nova
    Rank: Rank-2

    I'm not a DAZ expert
    but I dare say it is taking a bit too long lol

    Rank: Rank 6


    It starts at about 05:50.

    This Jason Maranto guy covers some interesting information regarding IRAY rendering duration and quality. I particularly direct you to the portion starting at 10:00 mins in.

    You're already waist deep into your render, so I don't imagine you'd restart at this point. Tough decision.

    Good luck.

    Kerry Nova
    Rank: Rank-2

    I restarted my pc.
    Gonna watch the video.
    Thanks @3Demon

    Rank: Rank 4

    I haven't watched the video so I don't know whats talked about. However, if its not mentioned, then I will. Scene Optimizer. 18% in 5 hrs is redonculous.
    I've found this to be a huge game changer in rendering.

    Rank: Rank 6

    Yes, Scene Optimizer will do the job. But learning why it does the job is invaluable, i.e., what changes is it making that reduce render times.

    We unknowingly have bells and whistles turned on (frequently by default) that work at cross purposes to efficient rendering. For instance, the Update Interval setting, the process that refreshes the onscreen render process. CPU power and memory is being consumed to perform this task. But of what use is it to refresh the screen every few seconds, when you're rendering all night long while you sleep? That setting could be changed to refresh every hour or so.

    Rank: Rank-1

    Video is a bit long and I could have missed the part about glass but, its worth sitting through and knowing why certian setting should and shouldn't be used.

    Kerry Nova
    Rank: Rank-2

    Downloading Optimizer...

    Kerry Nova
    Rank: Rank-2

    Yeah I skipped the part about glass
    but I thought the part bout about Render Settings was worth trying
    so I saved the parameters recommended in a note,
    and I am rendering a scene using those parameters now. Let's wait and see!
    Thank you!

    Kerry Nova
    Rank: Rank-2

    Yeah 18% in 5 hours is desperating.
    With the Render Settings I got from the video I am rendering again and I think it's getting better: 65% in 6 hours.
    I'll wait till the end and then I will install the Optimizer and give it a try.

    Thank you guys I love you all ♥

    Kerry Nova
    Rank: Rank-2

    I noticed whenever Iray gets to 781 it reads Render Target Canvas was written.
    I have no idea what that means.
    I can only guess it must be a new layer added every 781 seconds (?)

    Kerry Nova
    Rank: Rank-2

    Maybe it is a different number everytime lol
    This is all greek to me

    I'm talking about the Iray Iteration...whatever that is

    Rank: Rank 5

    Okay... what are you rendering on, what are you actually rendering, what resolution and so on? Are you rendering on CPU? If so, it's gonna be extremely slow.

    Heavy scenes (for game use) usually finish in about 30min to 2 hours here, depending, with a 1070 as a rendering card.

    Depending on what kind of image you're rendering, and how good it needs to be, usually limiting to say 500 iterations, or 1500 or 2500, with the Denoiser kicking in one iteration before finish (so 499, 1499 or 2499 respectively) is most of the time okay.

    There is no point in setting the quality above 98, and there are some other tweaks one can do as well.

    Kerry Nova
    Rank: Rank-2

    Hopefully something new happens when it hits 1000.
    It's been stuck in 65% for hours

    Kerry Nova
    Rank: Rank-2

    922 Iterations!
    I hope it hits 66% soon

    Kerry Nova
    Rank: Rank-2

    Render Settings

    Pixel Size 512x512

    Update Interval (secs) = 300
    Max Samples 15000
    Max Time (secs) = 259200
    Render Quality Enable = ON
    Rendering Converged Ratio = 100%

    Spectral Rendering Enable = ON
    Spectral Conversion Intent = faithful
    Spectral Observer = cie1964

    Convert Surfaces into Iray

    Select from Scene Pane
    Select from Surfaces
    Content Library/My DAZ 3D Library/
    Shader Presets/Iray
    DAZ Uber

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