Manual Install to DS

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  • #2087890
    Rank: Rank 7

    It certainly is, but I find working on it pacifies my OCD, 🙂

    Rank: Rank Overload

    Forgive me for going somewhat off topic.
    My thoughts were you might have encountered a similar problem.
    I have 54 "My Library" listed in the Content Manager.
    Each library is over 60gbs. They are stored in an internal hard drive. All the content was installed manually ( unzip, copy and paste)
    My problem is rather simple.
    The search function no longer works.
    I did not have to use it for a few days, so I cannot
    pinpoint exactly when it stopped.
    My workaround has been to use the Windows search of the
    drive, which is somewhat cumbersome.
    Any suggestions ?
    Thank you for your time.

    Rank: Rank 7

    That is not something I have come across before TBH.
    OK, let's start off with basics.
    I take it the drive is still functional & usable by the OS?
    Were these items visible in the Content Library Tab?
    If not it would be right click on Daz Studio formats & 'Add a Base Directory.'
    If they did function and now they don't that is very odd, but check the above for starters anyway.

    Rank: Rank Overload

    yes, yes and yes

    Probably should add I have 3 versions of
    Daz Studio same computer (none work)

    Rank: Rank 7

    None work?

    Sounds like a clean uninstall & start again with it to me. :0/

    Rank: Rank Overload

    Reason for three versions is complicated.
    I do this for a (good) living. I work with major studios
    on special effects problems. Time sensitive.
    Each version of Daz is customized to a specific job.
    Each version has different menus with favorites, scripts. etc.
    My "pipeline" is DAz, Zbrush,Keyshot,Photoshop
    There are Goz to Zbrush to KeyShot bridges.
    All of this interwoven and it works.
    All systems are backed up religiously 2x a week.
    The reason for all this is to underline I am probably one of the few
    people who cannot just simply uninstall.
    If it is a choice between losing search function and uninstalling
    will lose search.
    I thank you very much for your time. Your solution was the
    obvious and correct one but I cannot take the chance.
    Thank you

    Rank: Rank 7

    Yep, that sounds complicated.

    Do you have a back up installation to copy from?

    If so you could fresh install to a new test location & see if that works?

    Rank: Rank Overload

    I have daz studio installation files going back to the caveman.
    But 3 is pushing it.
    One of the studios pays for a tech guy to come to my house
    about every three weeks.
    Work wise I have two computers networked together.
    (I have two other computers non work)
    In all I have 5 separate versions of Daz installed over two computers
    According to the "tech Guy" leave it alone!!!!
    (for the reasons given)
    Again I thank you
    ( I am starting to write down where the most common stuff
    is, I will survive!!!!!

    The tech guy brings donuts!!!!

    Rank: Rank 7

    That is a double win then! 🙂

    Rank: Rank Overload

    That is a double win then!

    Kind of, he brings a dozen, eats one, takes one to go.
    I am left with 10!!!!
    Wanna discuss diet!

    Rank: Rank-1

    Hello and here I am also sharing my experiences.
    I have outsourced my assets to my network so that I can use the same assets from multiple computers. The basic structure is "X:\MyDAZContent\" and below that are the folders for DAZ and my own choice. DAZ must include DATA, PEOPLE and RUNTIME. There may also be a few folders for the bridges, which I only use for Blender. The rest is up to your own preference and imagination.
    Every ZIP-archive (DAZ, ​​Renderosity, RenderHub etc.) usually contains three basic folders: Data, "something", runtime. (The Data folder is usually missing for textures, poses etc.)
    Simply copy the DATA and RUNTIME folders into the corresponding folders under "X:\MyDAZContent\". Sort the "something" folder into the corresponding subfolders of your choice.
    Apart from Data and Runtime, the folder "PEOPLE\Genesis 3 Female\Clothing\Corset Lingerie Set" is stored under "x:\MyDAZContent\Clothing\Female\Corsets and Lingerie\Genesis 3\Corsets\Corset Lingerie Set"
    The structure of the folders is not regulated (unlike PoserContent), so everyone can come up with their own structure/name. SmartContent only works to a limited extent, but since I know where something is, I can happily do without it.
    Since searching in DAZ takes too long for me, I have been using a free additional program for all folder management for many years, which far exceeds the capabilities of Microsoft Explorer. I use TotalCommander for myself, but I think Speedcommander and similar also do most tasks. Searching in particular is really fast, even within archives.
    Another example of the folder structure:
    "X:\MyDAZContent\Clothing\Female\Boots and Shoes\Boots long"
    "X:\MyDAZContent\Clothing\Female\Boots and Shoes\Boots kneeHigh"
    "X:\MyDAZContent\Clothing\Female\Boots and Shoes\Boots short"
    "X:\MyDAZContent\Clothing\Female\Boots and Shoes\High-Heels"
    This way I can always quickly find the things I need for my scenery.

    Rank: Rank Overload

    Palomino.....unless there is more than one.......long time
    no hear!!!!
    Will pm

    Rank: Rank Overload

    Downloaded and installed Total Commander 11.03 win64
    Thank you!!!!
    Appears faster

    Rank: Rank-1

    Hope you have fun with the TC, it's a great tool for work with folders and files.

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