Help with Marvelous Designer

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  • #491402
    Rank: Rank-1

    I keep getting lost in the program. I think a lot of it is because I am used to working in 3D, and the 2D window throws me off.

    What I can't figure out is, once you place the pattern, it seems you can only move it in 3D. I tried to redo a piece by deleting the one sleeve, then fixing the first sleeve and doing a copy > symmetrical pattern (which already confuses me, because all the instructions say symmetrical paste, but I think it's because they are using an older version). Anyway, the symmetrical version no longer shows up in the 3D window where it was, rather over top of the other sleeve. Moving it in 2D seems to do nothing.

    The other issue is, I select it in 2D in order to be able to move it in 3D (once I select two pieces in 3D the gizmo disappears, so I assume this is the only way to do it), but I don't know how to get it to stay once I move it in 3D, because as soon as I reset 3D arrangement to undo the simulation, all the pieces snap back to where they were before I moved them. I think apparently when I first traced the pattern the two sleeves weren't lined up right, because one is out of alignment, even though it was a symmetrical pattern. The more I look at it the more I think G3F isn't posed symmetrically, but she's in the T pose.

    Rank: Rank-1

    From what I've seen with MD is that the 2D and 3D sections are separate when moving things around. You need to make sure that you don't simulate the clothing before you have it sewn, pinned and otherwise around the model.

    You can move the 2D sections around the 2D space so you've got all the pieces laid out and you can sew them together but then you need to spend some time in the 3D window using the pins to tack it onto the avatar and making sure that when you do simulate the clothing, it falls into the right spots.

    Once you've simulated the clothing, you generally don't need to undo it, you can just leave it like that and tug and play with it until you're happy with it. You don't need to put it all the way back to flat and resimulate it with each change, it's just like putting new pattern pieces on a dress form. You can just create another one, put it where it makes sense to you in the 2D window so you can select it easily, then make sure it's in the right place on the "dress form" aka avatar.

    If you think of it more like having a table with cut pattern pieces on it and a dress form, MD makes more sense.

    Rank: Rank-1

    also if a single piece is giving issues you can right click on it in the 3D window and select reset 3d Arrangement (selected) to only reset that one piece.
    if I get a chance I'll try record a basic start to finish of a simple dress
    although there are already a number of videos out there, I found the ones from SickleYield to be pretty useful

    Rank: Rank-1

    But how do I know if it’s going to look right before I simulate it? I didn’t know you had to tack anything the beginners videos did not say that. Are you stuck once you simulate then and have to start over? I reset the pieces, but that’s what I’m saying I move them in 3D and it just undoes it. I’m not sure how to tell if the seams are aligned if you can’t simulate. For example what if I get the dress part right and simulate it but reset the sleeves, then decide I need to change the dress part to make them fit right? I feel like I’m missing something.

    As for tugging it I’m not sure though how that would get it exactly in the spot I want. I’m trying to do the pieces as straight and even as possible by snapping to grid,using numbers, etc.

    Which reminds me I’ve simulated it sometimes and it seems to not fall exactly straight.

    Sorry one last question, might as well ask them all at once- should I use the T pose or A pose? I had seen a video to repose it, but you can’t by numbers pose each arm exactly the same etc. then how would I line it up? (Like moving the sleeves one side kept getting screwed which was the problem they weren’t lining up the same even though they were a symmetrical pattern) though odd because I used the T pose.

    Btw I know nothing of 2D patterns so thinking of laying it out doesn’t help:(


    Rank: Rank-1

    When I mean tugging, go into the 3D window and grab hold of the fabric with the cursor and the select tool and literally pull. You'll find that it tugs at the fabric so you can use that to align seams and play around until the folds sit the way that you want. You can also use it to fix some of the issues that come up in the simulation and just keep tugging and playing.

    Simulating the garment is not the final step, it's an interim. "I'm going to add this sleeve, simulate it, see where it goes. Nope, not there but if I change that bit and simulate again...yeah I like that, now to move on to the cuff", not "I've simulated it, I don't like where that sleeve goes but now I'm stuck with it". It just shows how the garment would look on a person with typical physics. So you can simulate again and again, pull, tug, pin, etc and see how each affects the overall look of the garment.

    Take a look at some Youtube videos and that will probably give you a better idea than typing it out. If I could show you what I meant I would but I'm not on my desktop at the moment.

    And the pose technically doesn't matter but if you're wanting to import it to Daz Studio, then you're better off leaving the figure in the default pose. The numbers are always going to be different so you're better off ignoring them, my experience with MD is that it's far more organic and try it to see how it goes than needing specific numbers and symmetry.

    If you watch (, at about 5:45 it shows what I mean on the left by tugging where the tutor tugs at the fabric to get it to lie properly.

    Rank: Rank-1

    Thanks. I’ve noticed in the videos they don’t seem to be too concerned with being exact, which drives me crazy lol, but it seems to be forgiving. My problem was mostly that the sleeves are acting different like they are misaligned, but I didn’t try tugging it yet. That doesn’t actually change the pattern I assume?

    As for the simulation, that’s what I was trying to do but when I reset the 3D to “undo” the simulation so it looks like the pattern again, it resets all the changes in 3D not just the simulation. But maybe that’s to do with pinning? All I know is I align the one sleeve better and pull the dress down and I lose it. Maybe I should try changing her arm pose to match the sleeve rather than trying to move the sleeve back a bit in 3d.

    Rank: Rank-1

    Ok, so although I didn't figure out the other issues, I watched more videos and was following along with a lesson. Granted, I used GF3 instead of the default avatar, but I even tried loading opening the other avatar and the same thing happened. (by the way, is there a way to load the default back with the red dress? I've opened avatar Female_B_V3.avt, which I think is right, but IDK)

    I think I'm missing something important. This is what the pattern/dress looks like before simulation.


    As soon as I simulate the dress falls down past her shoulders. I'm assuming something is wrong with the straps or with the way I sewed it, but I've gone over it, and I'm at a loss.

    I tried making better arm holes, even though the directions didn't call for it, and it still falls.



    Rank: Rank-1

    my reply isn't showing up...I keep trying to repost the images.

    ETA sorry about that, please ignore.

    Rank: Rank-1

    Must be something with the links? I'll try not to put it in link format, because it just deletes my post.

    Rank: Rank-1

    I'm at work for another couple of hours, when I get home I'll take a look and see if I can duplicate and help.

    Which version of MD are you using?

    Rank: Rank-1

    Had a bit more of a look at the images - you need to remove the stitching in the armholes. You're closing the hole that the arm needs to go through.

    With regards to the bottom, that indicates to me that the bottom is too tight so try widening the bottom of your pattern pieces in the 2D layout

    Usually I find it's a good idea to define the waist in the 2d pattern pieces so that it wraps around the body correctly

    Rank: Rank-1

    In the second image, I noticed that I can see the side of the thigh in the silhouette behind the left pattern piece which confirms it's too tight

    Rank: Rank-1

    yea Morri is right the bottom of your pieces is to small to fit around the figure
    although you can try make it more stretchy with the fabric it still needs to be relatively close, also try to make sure your sewing lines don't clip through the figure.

    Rank: Rank-1

    I will try those things tomorrow. I'm using MD 7.


    Rank: Rank 4


    this may help

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