Help with Marvelous Designer

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  • #505643
    Rank: Rank 4

    That (the falling weirdly) seems odd. You aren't going to get perfect symmetry because it's a physics simulation and reality doesn't do straight 😀 but once its done it should be relatively 'straight'.

    The particle distance of your pattern pieces also affects how smooth the simulation is. Generally once you're happy with the basic clothing you've got, before you export it, you'll want to reduce it to somewhere in the 5-8 range then resimulate... this will take a lot longer than doing it at the default 15 but will give you a much more accurate sim with nicer creasing.

    For crinkly waists or whatever just make the pattern a bit smaller, MD will stretch the fabric to sew the seams, it doesn't need to be 'big enough' for the character. That said, in reality you don't get a lot of straight/flat edges in clothes unless they're styled to have thick/heavy edges (like an A-line skirt or formalwear).

    As far as taking clothing from MD to DAZ goes, most people who use MD to make clothes don't just use MD and run, they take the clothes into another 3d app and tweak them first... MD is good for what it is, but it's not great at a bunch of things (like making clean geometry).

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