Genesis 8.1? Another stupid marketing trick?

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  • #1660362
    Rank: Rank 7

    Or you could use Poser. 😉

    Rank: Rank-1

    It's not bad on Genesis 3.1, after conversion of course.

    Victoria 7.1

    Rank: Rank 3

    I think G8.1 should just be a free up-grade not another character/model line.

    Rank: Rank 7

    Well, the base is.

    Rank: Rank-1

    The only constraint will be the skin (very bad point for a small update), g8 morphs work. Assets can be used even if you have sometimes to reedit some files.

    Rank: Rank 3

    yeah it is, but making V8.1 when V8 is still useable makes no sense to me its just an update basically.

    Rank: Rank 7

    For that matter G3F or even back to V4 is still useable.
    It really depends what you are looking for.
    Not that I am trying to justify it, but V8_1 is actually a step to more real world people, compared to V8.
    She is 5' 8" rather than 6' & her body is less supermodel too, apart from the Daz razzamatazz promoted 'benefits'

    Rank: Rank-1

    I converted only the expression correctives and victoria 8.1 for gf3. I'm not a fan of Genesis 8, so 8.1... and having the head poses correctives 3 + 8 + 8.1 deepen the expression a bit more and it's not excessive. G8 HD expressions are absolutely disgusting, conversion makes it strangely pretty.

    Rank: Rank 3

    @littlepleasures You always have a reasoned and well researched reply. Thanks!

    I didn't realize that Daz was such a bit player. They used to advertise that Studio had been downloaded a several hundred thousand (?) times, inferring that there was a massive user base. I'd imagine that the number of downloads translates into a significant number of people who abandon it because there's little tutorial material, it doesn't work or it crashes, or run into the never ending and spiraling cost of content.

    I wonder if they wouldn't have better success with charging for Studio and re-writing it. Poser certainly enjoyed considerable success in it's early days by fostering a large number of creators and sites who made a much wider variety of items than is available today. I'd like to see Daz release GOOD tutorials on creating content, and offer help and support to new artists. By encouraging an ever expanding group of content artists who would cater to varied tastes, they might see a growing interest in the software.

    Grouchy Old Fart
    Rank: Rank 3

    Interesting. Do you by chance remember what morph packs those might have been? I could do a reinstall, but the thought of that makes me dizzy from sadness and horror.

    I can help you answer your question. I found something similar in the DAZ forums.

    First, go to C:\Documents\DAZ 3D\Studio\My Library\data\DAZ 3D\Genesis 8\Female\Morphs\ (the default path in Windows - adjust to wherever you keep your stuff. For MacOS users, your path will look a bit different. The bold bits are what you should cue from.)

    Once you're there, look at the Size On Disk for each directory you find. Normally, a good morph directory is tiny, taking maybe a MB or so, often less. Once in awhile, you'll get a directory that takes maybe up to 15-20MB of disk space or so (often a directory will be named after a vendor, and it will have subdirectories for each product).

    However, if you see a directory that takes many, many, many MB of disk space (I had one that swallowed 1.5GB of disk for a single product), that will be your problem, and you can either fix it (maybe the issue is a subdirectory which contains a bad morph pack?), or delete it. Fix/remove that fat cow of a directory, and your load times will shrink to nothing.

    Rank: Rank 4

    I agree with @ethiopia. LivingPixels is always rational and thought out.

    DS isn't a modeling app. It is a posing and rendering app. And it's render engine is 4 years behind the rest of the industry - still stuck with IRAY. Hexagon was the DAZ modeling app, but it gets updated every 10 years and again, has been left far behind by blender, max/maya, CD4, zbrush and others.

    DAZ looks to be moving heavily into supporting game creators, but that's not their niche and that space has plenty of other solutions that are already better than DS. DAZ's main claim to fame is a place to get people models. Their environments are barely better than average game quality.

    So creating more realistic people models is playing to their niche. They are one of the best at it imo. If they'd fix Studio to be more interactive and less resource intensive, they'd have a long future in the modeling world. They don't seem to realize that DS sux so badly.

    Rank: Rank-1

    @littlepleasures insight was not that i disagree. insight was that you and bunch of others slider users here dont know what you are talking about. you are making issues out of things that are not issues if you know what you are talking about but they are issues if you dont. example your remark about mouth uv's and maps? it is so irrelevant, if you need them to have better uv's it is literally 10 min of work. i get a sense people here whine just to whine and building this narrative that daz3d is some evil corporation out to scam everyone while these same people forget that they wouldnt be able to make ANYTHING at all without daz3d and yet everyone is such an expert on creating complex 3d software . its not a matter of funds it is and issue of time and manpower, you dont have the time to rewrite massive things and its very hard to find the right people. even if you had time and manpower the bugs would be a completely different topic.

    then the subd3 for base resolution dude what are you even talking about? do you know how much vram subd3 uses? this is something you cannot avoid. even if it had multithreading for high density geometry, something that is a common point of attack for whiners, there are only downsides to using subd3. basically you are suggesting to take daz that had low barrier of entry and implement features that will make it a professional barrier of entry. you seriously thing there will be enough "professionals" to support daz3d staying afloat? no there wouldnt and daz would go under very quick, so its better to have outdated tech maybe even flawed but in terms of production workflow daz3d is the only one that even attempts to solve the 3d asset problem name me 1 piece of software or company that offers the value that daz3d offers.

    Bacon Smoke
    Rank: Rank-2

    @pooper Thanks for the advice, I'll start pouring through my morphs and see if I discover any obvious offenders.

    On the other stuff, please remember we need to do our best to keep the community here strong. We don't do that by being rude or belligerent to each other. It's okay to discuss our issues/concerns about Daz. But being mean to each other isn't going to win any hearts and minds. Keep your chins up and hang in there fellow artists. May all of your renders be as awesome as you are.

    Rank: Rank-1

    @baconsmoke I am tired of reading these posts of people who pose themselves as professionals and yet whine over and over again for years on end, about things that with a little bit of understanding they would not find a problem. These people due to their lack of understanding always suggest things that would degenerate and severely limit the software and they are doing it for their selfish reasons. He wants better mouth uv's because he cant improve them themselves and he doesnt care how this change would affect the wider spectrum of things that it will affect.

    Being a little bit rude to people sometimes will not affect things badly, especially if it is for the good cause. But to have peoples minds polluted over and over again for years with flawed and uninformed logic can potentially generate bad results even if it is more irrelevant noise that just drag people down when instead they should be focusing on what they can do with what is provided instead of just whining about things that they really don't understand.

    Rank: Rank 6

    @pooper THAT is some really good advice.

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