Daz AI Studio

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  • #2068492
    Rank: Rank 4

    Yep. PAs like the Row House, I don’t see staying with Daz’s storefront for much longer.

    A lot of these PAs would be better served to operate their own storefronts now, too. They’d be stupid not to at this point, as it’s clear Daz hates them as real, authentic artists.

    Unbelievable. We get this bullshit fuckery and not DS5, which, let’s be real is going to have a subscription model: mark my fucking words on that one.

    Remember: it’s always ethically right to pirate Daz shit and use Blender to boot. Diffeomorphic is kinda wobbly at times, but it + Blender is by far and away the best option at this point.

    Rank: Rank 4

    "AI "art" isn't real art anyways, just stolen from the efforts and talents of.."
    "...it’s always ethically right to pirate Daz shit..."

    Please reconcile these two statements @Notenoughrupees

    Rank: Rank 4

    Nah, I’m not falling for your trap, AI Bro. You damn well know exactly what I mean, you just don’t want to be told your "monkey-using-a-typewriter-by-smashing-random-keys" to come up with an image abomination isn’t real art.

    Rank: Rank 4

    Honestly disappointed because they're simply jumping into AI bandwagon blindly just like what they did on their NFTs. instead of using AI to supplement Daz Studio to accelerate workflows such as AI IK/FK solvers, quick AI retouching on rendered images, and perhaps even speed up their shitty OpenCL dForce with AI (which unfortunately for them, it requires innovation), they went for the simplest approach of all from the current AI boom: generative prompt-to-image. Probably simply grabbed some boilerplate LLMs offsite, did a bit of customizations, trained with images of their G9 shit, then plug it into their server. There you go, $4/mo.

    Rank: Rank-1


    AI you steal a product to make your art.

    Pirate you steal a product to make your art.

    I cant believe you cant see the difference.

    Rank: Rank 4

    Thanks Adam. It's all very clear to me now.

    Rank: Rank 4

    I wish that AI could make the 3D characters that would be soo cool and a real game changer. 🙂

    Rank: Rank 4

    Honestly disappointed because they're simply jumping into AI bandwagon blindly just like what they did on their NFTs. instead of using AI to supplement Daz Studio to accelerate workflows such as AI IK/FK solvers, quick AI retouching on rendered images, and perhaps even speed up their shitty OpenCL dForce with AI (which unfortunately for them, it requires innovation), they went for the simplest approach of all from the current AI boom: generative prompt-to-image. Probably simply grabbed some boilerplate LLMs offsite, did a bit of customizations, trained with images of their G9 shit, then plug it into their server. There you go, $4/mo.

    Such a great solution (I'm not so against AI that I refuse to see practical applications like the ones mentioned above) but Daz being Daz, they refuse to go that route and instead go for the cheapest, laziest "solution".

    This is the same company that deep throated NFTs until the disastrous Game of Thrones drop and after the public pillorying from even the most brainwashed of cryptobros calling them out for how lazy and busted it was (followed by the NFT market absolutely cratering), they quietly swept NFT involvement under the rug until they dumped the AI "art" generator on everyone as a potential trojan horse to get people prepared for a subscription-based model for Daz Studio 5. Which I predict will be just as broken if not worse than DS is now.

    Rank: Rank 3

    I don't feel that there will ever be a DS5. They're (mostly this 'Tafi' thing that is probably just some greedy and short sighted people that bought/invested in Daz because they thought that they could milk it for a quick buck) going to keep jumping from new thing to new thing until they either run out of new things, or Daz loses enough money that it goes under and they then have to sell it for as much as they can get...which won't be much.

    Rank: Rank 4

    Not gonna lie, if this AI thing blows up in their face as badly as the NFT venture did and Tafi decides to sell Daz, the best possible option at this point is for Daz the company to be absorbed by Epic. Epic/Unreal isn't without its own major issues and they're no saint of a company, but better the devil you know I guess.

    Rank: Rank 3

    *chuckle* I have a dream that the Poser crew suddenly wakes up, gets their collective shit together, realizes that they've been delusional idiots, and leaps into action with....
    1) a re-write of Poser to make it natively support Daz formatted items.
    2) fix Poser's legendary instability.
    3) give it away for free like Studio.

    Rank: Rank 4


    Rank: Rank 7

    Poser is even more broken than Daz.

    ....That takes some doing!


    Rank: Rank 4

    "...get people prepared for a subscription-based model for Daz Studio 5",
    Yes I think that's exactly the plan @Notenoughrupees
    The subscription model may work due to the lack of viable alternatives for the hobbyist who doesn't want to learn Blender etc. and can't get Genesis into Poser.
    Note that there are tons of alternatives to Photoshop but subscription still seems to work for Adobe.

    Grouchy Old Fart
    Rank: Rank 3

    So where do we go from here?

    Until AI can do character persistence and take in example images for composition, it's almost there, and great for one-off pics, but it's not enough for stories (and story arcs!) involving the same character(s) that I get to create to the last unique detail.

    The moment it does 90% of that, I'm jumping right to it. I don't care how big of a hard drive(s) I need to buy to store the training data.

    For DS, I can use what I have stashed right now forever if need be (even if I have to crank out a Windows 11 based virtual machine and put it all there), and I can make my own content, but eventually entropy will kick in, files will get corrupted, backups will fail.

    I've been in this little world since the late 1990s. I'm not quite ready to leave it just yet, at least not without the right incentives.

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