Are these DAZ3D Expression or not?

Home Page Forums General Chat Are these DAZ3D Expression or not?

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  • #1816049
    Rank: Rank-1

    Damn, Reddit would be jealous of such detectives this site has, well i'm not interested in the whole Philosophy of using 15 different Programs to achieve 1 image, but who wants to do the crazy mixtures is very welcome. Must say, to the untrained eye, it looks cool, i just wanted the expressions that's all, if no such thing exists, then well just move on, but you folks can keep debating if you have anything left to debate. 😛

    Rank: Rank-2

    You're right. Sorry for the mass bombing of ideas/workflows. And ei! You dont need to use 15 different software dude. Just two or three at most.

    1 - Daz3D (obvious) or CC3/4.
    2 - Photoshop and low-mid level photobashing skills <- MUST
    3 - Optional ZBrush or any other organic sculpting software.

    With this you can do everything. You can easily blend smiles, part of the face, body, etc. into Raw render or another photo and match the colors and rhythms.

    Wanna try more options:

    4) AI? Of course you can do it with more IA apps (FaceAppS as I told you before). There are hundred of those and the outcome to be fair, is very good and with some tweaks maybe is what you're looking for if you lack Photoshop skills (well, if you have some you can camouflage pixels and make them look like a raw realistic render, for example).

    Optional) ZBrush is another software I mentioned cause you can sculpt details easily and to put a easy way you can try FlippedNormals Face Kit which I think it's in the wild right now. Default brushes works flawless and you can achieve high level of detail with ease (and more when the hard part was done by Daz3D)

    Optional 2) The hard side should be Textures XYZ (paid professional textures using in professional pipeline workflowS) face projection using Mari or Substance Painter but I think that involves more software to your arsenal.

    In a nutshell Daz + PS + stock photos (good ones) will give you almost everything you need.

    Rank: Rank-1

    To get as close as possible to this photo you have to create the expression and then use the morphs of the face to improve the expression

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    Same expression without morph

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    Used Genesis 3 Female with my FACS 8.1

    Rank: Rank 4

    And nobody has made any mention of either HeadShop or FaceGen. Not really surprising as I think we're in agreeance they're both snake oil.

    Rank: Rank-1

    @frank22 FaceMojo to 🙂

    Rank: Rank-2

    As I said before 🙂

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