‼ IMPORTANT v2 ‼ Renderotica and RenderHub original download time tracking

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  • #2049492
    Rank: Rank-1

    Unlike Mega these file hosts won't store the time of your little modification so the original download date will be lost in time, like tears in rain so you can share the files with anyone, and don't worry Mega is perfect for everything else

    The download date and the modification date are not the same time. If you deleted the .DBF 2 hours after download, the date modified of the ZIP file is 2 hours later than the download date.

    Does Mega really store the modification date? Or are you talking about the upload date? If it's the modification date, you can change it with a program such as BulkFileChanger. You can set the date to anytime like 2005, so they won't be able to tell the original date.

    Rank: Rank 7

    @localhero69 The download date and the modification date are not the same time. If you deleted the .DBF 2 hours after download, the date modified of the ZIP file is 2 hours later than the download date. -> This is why you need to avoid Mega, because it will keep this time when someone downloads a file with MegaSync from you. If you upload this modified zip or rar to GDrive for example and someone downloads it, the zip or rar will be stamped with the GDrive download time 🙂 Of course, you can rewrite any file's date and time, like you said and use Mega, but we wanted to keep the guide simple 🙂

    Rank: Rank-1

    I'm certain that RH has spies here (probably downloading other artist's items) so they now know that we know (remember that 'Friends' episode?). Will they switch tactics or give up?
    Maybe we'll have to share their items privately only among trusted folks only.

    Rank: Rank 7

    BUMP - FYI Everyone Renderotica uses almost the same method (they used it first), the first post got updated with a full guide to fix the Renderotica and RenderHub files and completely remove the timestamps from them.

    Rank: Rank Overload

    Wouldn't it be easier just to delete the file, before uploading

    Rank: Rank-2

    If someone could cook up an automated way of getting rid of the bug...that would be brilliant.

    Rank: Rank 7


    Rank: Rank 5

    You could just unzip, remove unwanted shit and rezip.
    It is not much work.....

    Rank: Rank-1

    Just deleting the offending file isn't enough as the other files still have the Windows time stamp. I have a couple of recent purchases that I share with friends and eventually here that I was playing with. I set my system clock as far back as I could and resaved the files as per the instructions. I figure that's safe.

    Rank: Rank-1

    I fear that people will stop sharing because of this. Maybe a simpler cleanup script could be made?

    Rank: Rank-1

    I don't see this having a large impact. If nothing else it'll eliminate the kiddies and lame posters, increasing the quality of what's posted. Most of us see this as a fun challenge.

    Rank: Rank-1

    Caution - its not just a time date stamp each user has a unique identifier the dbf file Contains no header just Pure text format, only hexadecimal values (16 bit words). 8 per line, separated by spaces.
    UNIX formatted (LF only). Verified that this identfier remains the same across products, only differs between users unsure if they rely on the file stamp time date or not, but did confirm the dbf contents are unique per user account yet remain the same across different products and download times verified this as of 7:30PM EST (US - New York) December 26, 2023 (Tested only at Renderhub)

    Note - If you notice when downloading it no longer tells the file size just the current amount downloading, they are injecting the dbf file real time at the time of download.

    Rank: Rank-1

    Thanks @IansNR, that's interesting information and confirms what's been said. It's interesting that the file is unique to each customer.
    Now that it's started, I'm going to be watching anything I get from Daz closely. I'll also check Rendo's stuff but they have such a screwed up operation that I doubt they could figure out how to implement this.
    Thanks again!

    Rank: Rank-2

    Something about this feels very privacy invasive.

    Would be a shame if someone reported this to, say, the EFF or something. I also hear Europeans are pretty good at raising a big fuss about this kind of thing, too...

    Rank: Rank 3

    With Linux (and possible MacOS) touching every file would be enough to reset the time and date stamps. IIRC, there's a way to do it with the Windows COPY command. If I get a few minutes, I'll take a look and see if it's easily scriptable.

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