Background People by greenpots

Background People by greenpots

Background People by greenpots
"Extra low poly figures for background use in Poser.

In order to have best results camera must look directly at the front of the props. If you load the props and see nothing just rotate the prop or the camera.

18 various positioned figures (walking, sidewalking, sitting).
144 walking people prop.
88 fans bleacher prop.
792 fans grandstand prop.

In short this is what you get:
- 22 props in separate files of .pp2 format
- 44 texture bump and transparency maps"

I actually purchased this by mistake because I didn't realized they were just flat images but the way Renderosity handled it really made me made and is why I'm spiteful towards them. (They gave me a refund in store credit but banned me from purchasing so I couldn't use said store credit).

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