Shape of Dawn

Shape of Dawn

Shape of Dawn
What's Included & Features

Short Dial and Tall Dial - use these dials to control Dawns height from two feet tall to eight feet tall
Height Preset poses - presets for 2 foot, 3 foot, 3 foot 6, 4 foot, 5 foot, 5 foot 2, 5 foot 4, 5 foot 6, 5 foot 8, 6 foot, 6 foot 6, 7 foot and 8 foot tall have been included
Full Body Dials
Triangle - also called pear shaped, with wider hips and thighs
Hourglass - a balanced figure with a small waist
Inverted Triangle - shoulders and chest are wider than the hips
Rectangle - a straight up torso where hips, waist and shoulders are about the same
Heavy Hitter - a fantasy style with large hands and feet and bulkier arms, legs and torso
Elongated - a fantasy style with super long arms, legs, torso and neck
Slender - thin torso, arms and legs
Wasp Waist - a more exaggerated narrow waist
Partial Scaling Dials
Head Size
Arms Length
Legs Length
Neck Length
Bulk Arms
Bulk Legs
Large Feet
Large Hands
Torso Wide
Torso Thickness
Torso Length
Hips X
Fingers Long

Required Product:Dawn

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