What Graphics Card do you use?

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  • #297746
    Mystic Fortune
    Rank: Rank-2

    I appreciate the suggestion of checking eBay, but I've had some bad luck lately through dishonest eBay sellers, I don't want to end up with hardware that's DOA or that has hidden issues that don't reveal them selves til a few months in.

    On another note, it would seem that someone is ghosting me while I shop on Newegg, that original graphics card that I had planned to get went out of stock yesterday afternoon, so my brother and I searched for an alternative... which turned out to be a better card. As of this morning, it too is out of stock... 🙁

    Rank: Rank 7

    @norbertz Yes, that is what I thought.
    Thanks for reassuring me on that choice.

    Rank: Rank-1


    You're welcome.
    I fell into the trap of buying rocket ship GPU's only to realize it was overkill.
    Especially for DS. From my 780 Ti's to my Titan Z's there is barely a second difference in render times 🙁

    Rank: Rank 7

    Yeah. That is always the danger of getting sucked into the 'latest - greatest' frame of mind.
    It applies in most, if not all spheres of material goods, I think.

    Often the item that has just been made obsolete is a better buy.


    Rank: Rank-1

    The only hardware I bought new was a 4GB GTX960 and sold it six months later.
    It wasn't all that. So I opted for used Ti's and Titans instead.

    Another thing I realized, DS is bogged down. And no amount of hardware can make it run any faster 🙂

    Rank: Rank 7

    Ah well, that reduces the sting. 🙂

    Rank: Rank-1

    Sure does 🙂

    Rank: Rank-1

    This is worth watching 🙂

    Rank: Rank-1

    Rank: Rank-1

    Thanks Tony.

    I've seen both video's when MEC4D originally posted them.

    We both have near identical PC's but I'm going put my money together for an Octane plugin. 4 Titan X is great if you're a pro 3D artist....Or a gamer 🙂
    But as MEC4D says. 2 Titans are really enough for the hobbyist.

    Rank: Rank-1

    @ Mystic Fortune: I would recommend taking a look at the Ryzen processors. They provide better performance with lower power consumption and therefore less heat. The ASUS Prime A320 lists for around 60 USD but only supports a max of 32 GB DDR4 (2x16) while the Prime B350 is around 90 USD but supports 64 GB DDR4 (4x16). Both the above boards only have one PCIe 3.0/2.0 x16 slot. Newegg.com currently has some open box Prime X370-PRO boards for 150 USD that are SLI ready. I'm not familiar with using a non-matching GPU as a PhysX card but I will assume it requires a second PCIe x16 slot. The AM3 and AM3+ boards are being phased out and it would suck to be stuck like I am and have to replace your MB and RAM a couple of years down the road just so you can upgrade your CPU.

    Rank: Rank-2

    OOOO, they phasing out the AM3+ board? Then I guess I better get to looking at getting the rest of my hardware. Will most likely be able to get the rest of my hardware then for less in the new future. I have an AM3/AM3+ board, still in the box, for the new build. 2 DVD/RW's, still in their packaging, USB3 Front Panel jack, still in the box, the 2TB HD has been removed and formatted and is currently being used has extra storage. (Could not afford a new USB drive at the time when I needed one so I decided to use it in a USB3 box I had handy.) And of course the GTX1050TI which I brought, still in it's box. <sighs> I'll be SO glad when I finally manage o get the old desktop rebuilt and up and running.

    Rank: Rank-1


    Good post.
    I read that Intel's new X series CPU is having problems keeping up with the Ryzen CPU.

    Rank: Rank-1


    LGA1155 is old but many still use it and the hardware is still in demand.
    Same goes with LGA 2011.

    If you want new then Ryzen seems the way to go.
    But if you don't mind used hardware LGA2011 is powerful, cheap and still worthy.

    Rank: Rank-2

    I'll have to remember this for when I look at building another system. At the moment I just want to get the system I'm trying to repair back up and running and since it's motherboard is an AM3/AM3+ I'm going for to stick with it for now. The board is a Gigaytes 990FXA-UD3 and supports both Crossfire and SLI (2 cards max). I have a AMD Phenom II X6 1075T 3.0ghz Thuban 6-core CPU for it, though I want to eventually replace it with the AMD FX-9590 4.7ghz Vishera 8-Core and add in a couple of nVidea SLI cards in place of the 1050Ti I have. Once I do all of that I may get me a basic AM3 board and build another less powerful system with those.

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