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  • #563326
    Rank: Rank-1


    Great idea! This is something that Hunter would need to put in place though.

    Rank: Rank-1

    lets leave comments as our log in names and get rid of Disqus

    Rank: Rank 5

    Because WordPress is dumb, and assumes that the writers posting know what they're doing (or want to post the same stuff with a number added on the end) - would it perhaps be wise to implement a (slightly modified) version of something like this:

    Which is basically a duplicate slug / URL checker. We've seen quite a few of the /item-name-2 files in the duplicate content thread, and that is basically due to people being lazy and not even checking to see if what they post is on the site - not that much we can do about that, but perhaps having something preventing those posts from being posted at all? Or, at least provide a confirm box, so people are acutely aware that they have posted something that has the exact same name as something else?

    Won't prevent people from renaming things slightly, of course, but every little bit helps.


    Rank: Rank 4

    @errilhl its outdated 🙁
    but i can test in a demo site and if work as we need we can use it 😀

    Rank: Rank 6

    @hunter, for flagged article notifications can you include more information please? The title of the article, the name of the person flagging it and maybe even a link to a thread where mods can deal with any issues?

    Currently the email looks something like below

    Hi usernumber69,
    Your article on 3D Zone has DEAD LINK.
    View the article:[link]
    Send a new working link to user name "Monk"
    If link didn't get fixed in 5 days you will loose 200 points.
    If you see your post get deleted please Repost again.
    Thank you.
    Broken Links
    ### notes ###

    When you get that email and you don't know what the content was and the article has been removed, like I just experienced, it's a little annoying. Luckily I was waiting for a post to get flagged so I was fairly certain what it was but most times it's pretty annoying.

    Rank: Rank 4

    Make some change
    let me know if its okee now.

    Rank: Rank 4

    Fixed 😛 now real user name will show up 😛

    Rank: Rank 6

    Cheers @hunter! 😉

    Rank: Rank 6

    @hunter, can you flag blog posts to mods that contain "-2" a the end of their address please? Or better yet, notify the user themselves before it's posted? There's far too many duplicates getting posted.

    Rank: Rank-1

    I'm not sure that would be such a good thing @EvilMonkey, because I'm sure there may be some valid cases of a "-2" being in a file name. (IE: second version, part 2, etc...). What we need to do is stress the education of having people use "Due Diligence" BEFORE posting, and actually searching the site by more than just a single key word or phrase, to check for alternate name versions of the same item. Or even just doing a search in the first place, which is how the "-2" items usually are created. LOL

    Rank: Rank 6

    @kendrad, the use of a 'flag' just means to bring attention to the post. IE for the mod to then check and see if it's a duplicate or if it's a new product. In a perfect world everyone would be doing things properly and there would be no need for intervention.

    The system as it stands seems to be -
    People post blog > Mod auths blog post > Members buy blog post > Experienced Member checks to see if already here > Posts in Dupe thread > Mod has to check and remove dupe.

    What I'm suggesting is -
    People post blog > post is flagged automatically > Mod has to check > Mod doesn't auth and messages member that it's a dupe.

    Now obviously there will be posts that make it through but it should eliminate at least 'some' of the duplicates.

    Rank: Rank 4

    @evilmonkey cant do it as there are lot of unpublished post ... as dead or some problem
    so when dead post reposted again it got 2
    we keep some dead post so that we or uploader can fixed it 🙁

    Rank: Rank 6

    Ah, so the address is reserved for the "hidden" posts. Okay, fair enough.

    The King
    Rank: Rank-1

    What about an overlay for the site banners with the artist name.

    Rank: Rank-2

    What I would like to see is for the site to have a counter on how much money is needed to keep the servers up each month, and display how much has been donated towards it. Any extra goes into the next month.
    So you could have a thing saying just for example, November: FUNDED! December: $60/160, $100 to go; and so on. I have no idea how much they cost, that's just made up numbers.
    This way, if it is getting low, people will know exactly how much is needed to chip in to help keep zonegfx going. People could also discuss and plan together how to get there, either here or some place like discord. Maybe we should have a dedicated donation thread, where people can talk about it. Though I suppose that would not help if some wants to be anonymous, I think its still a good way.

    I think we all want to see this place survive, and I think this would help us do that better. Seeing a request for donations but with no idea of how much is needed I think makes people more hesitant to do a donation.

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