Email from RH

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  • #2072194
    Rank: Rank 7

    Boils down to Yes or No.
    No= you are safe, no worry's, no money
    If the letter was 20 bucks, would ignore
    175.00 gives reason to pause
    Yes_ They have my name and and address. Under that name, etc was banned
    Now they have my name and address. Now what?

    As I mentioned a canary in the coal mine. I will update you all
    of what happens. But don't forget the time limit. All of this (the letter)
    sounds as if it was done on legal advice we will see.

    Conclusion if your amount is lets say 20 and you are hesitant ignore it.
    If the amount is something you can use. What is the worst possible scenario
    for supplying name and address

    frank 21, they knew my email, they knew the transactions, they could look
    up the rest. The only thing missing is a photo of me in my pajamas.
    You pay your money and take your chances
    Let's roll the dice.

    Rank: Rank 7

    Just googled myself using name only.
    Name and address listed 5th from the top.
    Let us assume that in this post I listed my real name and address.
    Give me the worst case scenario.
    O.K. so some people here, I would worry about having the information.
    After all, what we do is, to put it politely is steal.....sorry.
    Not the best people to share personal info with but not the worst.
    We even have a sort of code of ethics
    Render Hub, while they cramp my style is a company making a few
    dollars. I am sure I am a micro-organism in their eyes.
    When the information about the tracker from Render Hub first appeared, we
    all scattered like cockroaches when the light was turned on. The amount
    of requests via Rh dried up.
    But in the intervening period what has happened?
    Besides banning (I am a professional now) what has happened.
    Is anyone in jail, in lock up, in court...
    If so they are mum.
    Perhaps, just perhaps, because of what we do here we are slightly
    I am not saying not to be cautious, I use the detracker, I post only to
    Bunkr, I post anonymously to stay under the radar.
    You have to use common sense
    Just a few random thoughts, late at night

    Rank: Rank 7

    Sorry, forgot to mention.

    Ethiopia.....just for the record, this is my fourth identity here, thanks
    to the help of a few moderators who took pity on me.

    But have to confess something I suspect.
    I might indirectly be the reason for the tracker.
    If you will look at the dates....a merchant at Render Hub issued 5 new items.
    Under my real name I purchased all 5 and posted them here, under my
    real name.
    Within hours the shit hit the fan.
    Files were taken down at mega, media fire, I was banned at Render Hub...scared the
    shit out of me. Was told by a moderator (well meaning) i was a jerk.
    I would like to think I have learned a lot since then

    Rank: Rank 4

    Yes there's no need to panic Anna. I like your Pollyanna mind-set Send me a picture of you in your pajamas😲.


    Rank: Rank 3

    @haulin7610, Nothing, don't do a thing.

    Rank: Rank 7

    To confess, my pajamas have holes.
    Great in summer.
    Totally agree @haulin7610, don't do a thing, it will be a constant worry
    for you.....not worth the effort.
    I am, however, something of a masochist!!!!
    Will let you all know how this plays out.If imprisoned will try and contact you all

    Rank: Rank-1

    this seems weird as fuck, not saying its a scam or anything its just weird.
    firstly why the weird time limit of five days seems like one of those "grab it now while you still can" to make someone worryed they might loose the sale.
    secondly why the fuck they can only refund it by check, a site that uses paypal, bank transfer etc etc to pay creators now all of a sudden can only exchange money by check^? wtf

    Rank: Rank 7

    Been a long time since I heard the expression "The cheque is in the post." :0/

    Rank: Rank 7

    To increase your paranoia consider this.
    3Duk was/is a member here.
    How do I know?
    He told me so in an exchange on RenderHub the day before I was banned.
    Consider: I am 3duk or a vender, I am a member here.
    I subscribe to an item I sell normally, you fill it.
    You fill it and get a email from some unknown requesting the link.
    If it is a new item, I check the purchases, detracker ain't much good.
    Some of us have been around here long enough to know (and trust) other
    What worries me is comments like "some of us were talking privately"
    Really where? The restroom!
    What decisions were made" Hang'em, shun'em
    Can I join the discussion?
    Am I the subject of the discussion?
    Do you vote?
    Is there an appeal process?
    Who the hell are you?

    Rank: Rank 7

    Larger problem is what to do with the 175 dollars?
    Suggestions? (Besides paying attorney fees)

    Rank: Rank-1

    No surprise that 3DJerk is a member here with how much he always took quotes from here etc... but then again I think his DA account got banned XD He is strangely silent there and on RH his posting of new stuff also went way down.

    Rank: Rank 7

    Perhaps he is lurking in the shadows with his binoculars watching
    us constantly
    Sending emails offering us money for our addresses
    Right now he is looking over your shoulder watching you type
    Trying to find out who is ripping him/others off
    Amazing we are stealing from them and they are the bad guys!!!!!
    All they have to do is plant the seeds of paranoia and we do the rest!

    Rank: Rank-1

    No, messing with 3DJerk is actually fun, watching him dig his hole deeper and deeper. Especially with the release he did now... Ariel.... Disney. Should warrant another DCMA report to Disney

    Grouchy Old Fart
    Rank: Rank 3

    Meh - $175 USD isn't even worth my time.

    If I ever get that email, I think I will respond with "Yes, my name is Joseph Robinette, and please send the check to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., Washington DC, postal code 20500."

    Rank: Rank 7

    Normally 175 dollars isn't that much..........April 15 was tax day.
    They were not kind

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