Characters NOT showing up in List once installed

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  • #803022
    Rank: Rank 7

    I see your problem.
    You have a hybrid set of folders on that level.
    Some are merchant folders, others are character.
    At the level you have shown I would only have the Daz Base characters showing.
    My characters will only show up in the individual vendor folders, on the next level down.
    You have some duplication in the .tip files there too.
    .tip files are usually 256 x 256 pixels It will be the one with the similar name to the smaller png that will display on mousing over.
    The identical pngs with a differing name can be deleted for clarity.

    The smaller .pngs are usually 91 x 91 pixels & will display a thumbnail for the folder in DS if they have an identical name to that folder.


    Rank: Rank-1

    Disregard, I just noticed eelgio's last post. How do I delete a post? Shane try this. Sorry eelgoo, I'll bug out after this. Go to a folder in explorer, not daz, that has a missing thumbnail. So characters/bimbo or whatever. So your inside bimbos folder. select the main .duf and any.png you like. Just select the .duf, then ctl select the.png. They should both be highlighted. Right click, copy. Go up one level, into /characters and paste the two files. right click bimbo's folder, <rename> right click <copy>, that snags you the name spelled directly. go back to the .duf and .png fines you just copied and rename them from the clipboard (highlight, right click, rename, ctl v). Rescan the folders

    Shane S
    Rank: Rank-1

    I see what u r saying @Spudly. Hensely is a character for G8F base so has no full apply duf as others do.

    , so under Characters it should be what next? G8 Base? Because I am not seeing my Genesis * Basic Female either, as I see in your tutorial.

    Rank: Rank 7

    dufs are versatile, they can trigger all sorts of functions dependant on how they are configured on saving.
    They can be for full characters with textures, morphs, mats or wearables.
    They are clever little things. 🙂

    See here for my folder structures
    ' '

    For me, the Characters folder holds all the merchant folders plus the Daz bases.


    Shane S
    Rank: Rank-1

    Yeah. I have that forum post open and reading it already. You see how u have Genesis 8 Basic female in yours? Mine doesn't have that even though i downloaded it

    Rank: Rank-1

    heres that script if anyone needs it. if someone has a less clunky one i would love a copy. this fires on CTL+backslash:

    ; This script was created using Pulover's Macro Creator

    SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%
    CoordMode, Mouse, Window
    #SingleInstance Force
    SetTitleMatchMode 2
    DetectHiddenWindows Off
    DetectHiddenText On
    SetControlDelay 1
    SetWinDelay 0
    SetKeyDelay -1
    SetMouseDelay -1
    SetBatchLines -1

    BlockInput, MouseMove
    Sleep, 300
    WinGetTitle, Title, A
    Sleep, 300
    Send, {LControl Down}{c}{LControl Up}
    Sleep, 300
    Send, {LAlt Down}{Up}{LAlt Up}
    Sleep, 600
    Send, {LControl Down}{Space}{LControl Up}
    Sleep, 600
    Send, {LControl Down}{v}{LControl Up}
    Sleep, 600
    Send, {F2}
    Sleep, 600
    SendRaw, %Title%
    Sleep, 300
    Send, {Enter}
    Sleep, 300
    BlockInput, MouseMoveOff

    Rank: Rank 7

    Yeah, you might well have downloaded her, but where did you put her?
    G8F is part of the basic DS installation.

    Rank: Rank 7

    I have kept my G8F Starter Essentials Inst zip file if you need it?

    Shane S
    Rank: Rank-1

    I reinstalled everything when i upgraded to a 4tb drive. I reinstalled everything and used DIM to download it from Daz3d. No idea where it went to. At this point I am so confused. Should Im just erased and start over. My file structure is screwed up, and cant find stuff.

    How do I tell a base character from a add-on to another character, etc?

    Rank: Rank 7

    TBH I do think you would be best starting afresh.
    Much easier to stay organised that way.
    That said you have to have the discipline to maintain it or it will degenrate into a shitheap again! 🙂

    Rank: Rank 7

    I'll answer your questions, but on my installation thread, to keep it all together. 🙂

    Shane S
    Rank: Rank-1
    Rank: Rank 7

    Yeah that one...

    Give me a little while & I'll tack my answering post on the end of it.

    I'm writing it at the moment.


    Rank: Rank 7

    I'm having a bit of a ramble on my draft, so bear with me... :00

    Shane S
    Rank: Rank-1

    its ok. I am uninstalling everything and restarting my pc

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