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    Rank: Rank-1


    I rechecked it and as far as I could see the posts I thought had not been automatically deleted, have gone now. Will keep my eyes open for any "glitches".

    Rank: Rank 7

    @sonytony Many thanks 🤟

    Rank: Rank-1

    So i am trying to post a request and it will not let me submit it cause it says to use certain sites to upload the images. the issue is i am using the sites that is suggested even though the sites are different when hitting the submit button and the sites listed on the request faq page. not sure what i need to do at this point. not sdure if it is just a glitch with the new request feature or if it is something i am doing wrong. any advice would be appreciated. thanks

    Rank: Rank 7

    @shimra Currently you can only use Postimages or Bunkr, and you have to paste the hotlink with the .jpg extension.

    This one is wrong -> (https://postimg.cc/zHTrNDFr)
    This one is good -> (https://i.postimg.cc/5yRNw6H6/hi-hello.gif)

    (I used a gif for the example and not a jpg :D)

    Rank: Rank-1

    OOk i see what i did wrong there. thanks for the clarification

    Rank: Rank-1


    These 2 posts are showing on the MAIN blog, they should be in UPCOMING.


    This post has got past the APPROVAL process and contains the wrong product.


    Rank: Rank 7

    I'm not sure if this has been answered here yet...

    If someone fulfills a request but then doesn't post it on the blog, I can't see who fulfilled it to write to them. Or can I?🤔

    Rank: Rank 3

    I'd second the idea of the WIP wishlist pt 7/7+: It would help to have a possibility to add your offer of points to a request that has allready been filled and closed or contact the filler. Sometimes you find something interesting which was already filled, but who do I ask? Requesters are asked not to share themselves and the filler is not always visible.
    An OPTION could be a simple button on the filled request/short list to re-open/renew the request with the prefilled data from the old post and simply start over collecting points again.

    Rank: Rank 7

    would it be possible to have a sort option (newest / latest update)?

    Rank: Rank 7

    @maxxp2 Working on it 🙂

    Rank: Rank 7

    @edensin @sammy52 Yeah it was asked many times 😀 We are on it, please be patient my dudes 🙂

    Rank: Rank 7

    @sonytony Thanks, yeah we know these, they were edited that's why the glitch :/

    Thanks again, I checked it, the blog post is from a different post, but the Filled item was really the 3DUK version, the system didn't send out the reward yet so I did a request reset 🙂

    Rank: Rank 5

    @warrant63 wrote...- Please don't forget that to add a comment you DO NOT HAVE TO REGISTER on Disqus. Just ✅ the "I'd rather post as a guest", type in a Name (Displayed name on your comment), and add any email address - it can be fake too - it won't be displayed and you won't get any emails to it etc.!

    I wrote a comment on "CODMW2 Lara Croft for G9". I could see my comment very clear. Very nice.

    Unfortunately, the red bar does not work. it still says 0 comments. My comment was still there.
    But after 5min.. I check my comment again....and...Gone be the wind.

    Rank: Rank 7

    @lucafeelgood The red bar has a bit of a delay but works, tho the comment disappear is a bug, I've added it to our list 🙂 Thank you 🤟

    Rank: Rank-2

    I like the new request system, it's much easier to see what has been requested and jump on that. Unfortunately it doesn't fix the post-request black hole. Seems like things don't make it to the main blog for some reason, and people are just left wondering what to do next. It would be good if you could just pay to unlock the link like every other post, with the filled requests.

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