‼ IMPORTANT v2 ‼ Renderotica and RenderHub original download time tracking

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  • #2052367
    Rank: Rank-2

    A true work of art...
    When changing the timeframe in the script, is there a rule for how far back in time you can go? By this I mean, if we can change the timeframe so it places it ten years ago, that would not only be the ultimate middle finger to that tracking system, it would also prevent the small chance that the final timestamp would match someone else's purchase, causing a potential false accusation by the shops against someone totally innocent of truandry.

    Rank: Rank 3

    I've not tested how far back you can go, but there shouldn't be a limit on it and ten years shouldn't be a problem at all. Just open ZGFX-Detrack.ps1 and change

    $MinDays = 60
    $MaxDays = 365

    to whatever offsets you like, $MinDays = 365 and $MaxDays = 3650 would give you random dates between 1 and 10 years before the current date.

    Rank: Rank-2

    Thanks! That's exactly what I hoped for 🙂

    Rank: Rank-1

    So awesome that you guys are able to do this, thanks so much for the hard work!

    Rank: Rank 5

    I wonder how long it will be before Daz starts to do this as well.

    Rank: Rank 7

    Like 'Rosity they aren't organised & cohesive enough to pull it off. :0/

    Bruh Moment
    Rank: Rank-1

    tracking ppl is so gross. isn't this illegal to do??? infringement of privacy and all that??

    Rank: Rank-1


    It is but it isn't. The excuse made if people kicked up a fuss would be one of anti piracy. That in part might be the case, but data brokering is unknown to the masses while our private information is sold and traded without our consent as we go about or digital daily life completely unaware we are being tracked and profiled.

    But don't take my word for it, it's all on the web if you care to look.

    Bruh Moment
    Rank: Rank-1

    @inversekinematics man that's incredibly creepy :/ sometimes internet feels like a huge mistake when hearing about the whole selling of private info and all that... creepy...

    Rank: Rank-1


    The web in it's current form is a 2 way mirror.
    If you are concerned then take the leap to learn about online privacy.

    Rank: Rank-1

    It's possible to keep data collection down but it requires giving up a LOT.
    a) NO social media...none...zero...zip.
    b) Use a reliable VPN.
    c) No online payments.
    d) In stores use cash or bank cards, NO credit cards.
    e) Use a secure browser like Brave or Firefox with anti-tracking plugins.
    f) NO Gmail or Yahoo email. Use a third party email service that provides privacy and security. I use Hushmail. There's another one out of Sweden that's also known for it's privacy.
    g) Read TorrentFreak every day. They have many articles about privacy.

    Rank: Rank-1


    I'd like to add to your list if I may.

    h) Get clicky and clear cookies and data with every site you visit.
    Bleachbit is a start but you can manually clear data in Windows at OS and browser level.
    i) You'd be shocked what is connecting to the web in the background.
    Simplewall is a free & open source firewall that warns and allows you to block apps accessing the net.

    Some VPN's now offer a service where they contact data brokers on your behalf and demand they remove your personal info from their database. It sounds good but I have yet to research if any have had success.

    Rank: Rank-1

    SimplWall eh? I'll check it out.
    I've used Tinywall ( https://tinywall.pados.hu/ ) for years.

    My internet computer still runs Win7 and I'm reluctant to upgrade because of Win10's well known tracking garbage. I use the de-crapifier when I installed it on my graphics computer and couldn't believe the crap that it ripped out. I also sanitized my Wife's laptop. Win11 is apparently worse. Windows is becoming nothing more that a virus and a sales pitch for it's own products.

    Rank: Rank-1

    Looks seriously geeky. Will this run on a Win10 system that's already installed? It eludes to being a tool that you use to create a custom install ISO and just leaves out the stuff you don't want installed. The page looks great but there's no real information on it telling the average non-programmer what it is. This would turn a lot of folks away. I'm intrigued enough to want to stumble through it.

    Rank: Rank-1

    I've been reading the documentation and it looks to be straight forward. The nomenclature is what threw me off at first.
    I'm rebuilding my desk right now by converting it to a standing desk and have disassembled the graphics workstation. I hope to be operational in a week or two (as long as my plan works out) and will go it a go then.
    Thanks for the pointer!

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