Cyberpunk City / Recife Environment with a lot of custom Meshes and Materials

Cyberpunk City / Recife Environment with a lot of custom Meshes and Materials

Cyberpunk City / Recife Environment with a lot of custom Meshes and Materials

$129.99 This Asset Package includes Showcased map with all Models / Materials . There are a lot of unique Meshes and Materials , There are tileable materials also and you can even create your own meshes to apply our tileable materials , And there are a lot of custom Neon / LED tileable materials so you can easy turn your meshes to beautiful Neon Holograms .

The pack includes Project with amazing Cyberpunk / Futuristic Recife City . You can easily use this Pack for populating your own Game Levels / Virtual Productions or even create Levels from scratch .

Showcase Video

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Technical Details


High Attention to Details
Realistic look
Gameready / Optimized
Controllable parameters in Material Instances
Animated Neon Signs
Tileable Hologram Materials
Lots of Different Props
Building and Road Meshes
Different Tileable Materials

Number of Unique Meshes: 313

Number of Blueprints : 3

Collision: Yes . Made inside UE

LODs: Yes up to 4 LODs

Number of Materials and Material Instances: 454

Number of Textures: 385

Number of Decals : 70+

Number of Particle Effects : 7

Texture Resolutions: 1K , 2K

Supported Development Platforms:

Windows: Yes

Mac: Yes

Required Product:Unreal Engine 4.22 - 4.26

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