Woodland Props - Tree Trunk and Ivy

Woodland Props - Tree Trunk and Ivy

Woodland Props - Tree Trunk and Ivy
...ever wished you could place a highly detailed, super real, photorealastic 3D tree trunk in your woodland renders before?

...ever found that the trees you have in some other apps, just don't cut it, especially in the trunk department?

...ever wished that you could get right up close to it, and retain the detail?

...ever wished that, apart from photoreal bark, the tree had moss and algae around it's non symmetrical & gnarly roots?

...ever wanted a tree that looked different from all 'sides', with differing features and details, and a unique, custom made UV mapped texture??

...ever wished that the detail in the mesh was higher, adding that extra sense of reality, providing holes in the bark, and ridges to make it's outline as rugged as a real tree's is?

...ever wished that on top of all of this, you could wrap the tree in a nice random looking Ivy, that would cast shadows on the tree bark below?

...ever wished that you could use a tree like this in Poser as well as any other 3D app?

Me too!

All these points make this a very versatile package for anyone that requires character rich & realistic trees in their renders, and with the custom texture alone, it can be several different looking trees when rotated. But also add the fact that you can apply any other bark/moss textures to it, and you have literally dozens of different trees!!

Formerly at Daz but NLA

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