Songbird Remix Cool and Unusual Birds 2

Songbird Remix Cool and Unusual Birds 2

Songbird Remix Cool and Unusual Birds 2
Cool and Unusual Birds 2 brings 15 of the more interesting and colorful birds on the planet. From the jungles of New Guinea comes the exotic birds of paradise with huge tail plumes or long antennae-like feathers. There's a crested hummingbird, a green woodpecker and the vibrant Cocks-of-the-Rock from the Amazon and the impossibly long Fork-tailed flycatcher from the Yucatan. From the American Southwest is the desert expert, the Black-throated Sparrow that can survive on no water and where there is water-- the fishing expert, the Belted Kingfisher will rule the skies. Painted Buntings, Redstarts and Orioles add vibrant colors to fill out this collection as well. As with all Songbird Remix add-on libraries, there's an arsenal of conforming parts to create the birds and many parts are easily interchangeable to create your own bird species.

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