Puck for M4 and H4+Addons

Puck for M4 and H4+Addons

Puck for M4 and H4+Addons
Puck is a 3D clothing outfit for Michael 4 and Hiro 4. Your mischievous faery folk will love this leafy-green shirt, pants and boots. All the finishing touches are included: a belt, a pixie hat, oak-leaf vine decorations and a gnarled staff.

Puck turns Michael and Hiro into charming companions for the Victoria 4 fairy 3D outfits.

"...that shrewd and knavish sprite
Call'd Robin Goodfellow: are not you he
That frights the maidens of the villagery..."

--William Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night's Dream

Dashingly clad in the leafy finery of the summer and autumn forests, Robin Goodfellow plots mischief of the most well-intended sort. This is a set of two add-on textures for the Puck M4 and H4 3D clothing outfit, complete with a Robin character morph.

Life in the wilds isn't always pretty. For rougher days in the forest, dress Michael 4 and Hiro 4 in these excellent Horlamin styles for the 3D male outfit Puck for M4 and H4.


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