Pria for Daisy 8

Pria for Daisy 8

Pria for Daisy 8

Pria The Dark Fairy is considered to be the most beautiful of the fairies - even the best-known Goddesses pale in comparison to this Dark One's beauty.

Depending on if she's in her homeland or off on an adventure Pria for Daisy 8 changes colors, and comes with several she can choose from at will including Teal, Silver, Black and white, red, purple, and Gold.

But because of her dark nature, she will almost always have a dark side. There is a rare Pria that can become human-like as well. Pria The Dark Fairy isn't interested in life of most of the other fairies are; rather, she is interested in all things which her fairy sisters fear. She is also incredibly vicious when angered.

She may look cute and cuddly, but beware!

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