Photo Buffet Kitchen Pastries

Photo Buffet Kitchen Pastries

Photo Buffet Kitchen Pastries

Enjoy the delights of photo realistic pastries; cinnamon bread, cinnamon buns, croissants and more. The texture resolution is high, 2048x2048 in size (The full cinnamon bread even comes in 4096x4096), enough for high-detailed, closeups. They also come in a 1024x1024 version, if you want to preserve memory or just render them at a bit of a longer distance.

It's a fairly low polygon set, 3-5000 polys per item, good enough for closeups and at the same time few enough to be able to fill them up quite a bit in complex scenes if so desired.

All together, you get 8 different props:

Cinnamon Bread Full
Cinnamon Bread Slice
Cinnamon Bun 1
Cinnamon Bun 2
Cinnamon Bun 3 - with bite
Croissant - Half
Vanilla Pastry

All of my food collections come with at least one Kitchen Prop. (Some may be duplicates from other Photo Buffet packages) In this package you recieve a nice cutting board.

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