Oculus Mechanicus

Oculus Mechanicus

Oculus Mechanicus
Oculus Mechanicus is sinister combination of cybernetic organism and autonomous machine. It has been constructed by experienced
technomancers for guarding their lairs and sanctums. The first prototypes has been known to use parts of large living animals like lizards, snakes or
even dragons to forms these vile hybrids. Since most oculuses are expected to act independently and decide individually how to protect their
targets, they often went feral or even turn against theirs masters. For that and for the fact that living creatures parts were more and more scarce, later
oculuses have been constructed from pure synthetic parts. Anyway any oculus no matter if hybrid or synthetic, can be considered as real powerful
and formidable opponent and need be respected.
Included are:
Fully Poseable ERC Figure
60 mat poses
2 eyestalks poses
3 laser beam props
4 light presets


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