Meshbox Orc Village Stable

Meshbox Orc Village Stable

Meshbox Orc Village Stable

Although considered thoroughly evil by the Elves, Orcs are a gregarious and highly order oriented race. Orcs become full citizens through war and the slaying of their first dragon - the dragon skin becoming the basis of their homes.
Meshbox Design's Orc Village Volume 2 includes eight new models of the most popular fantasy bad guy.

Originally released and now no longer available anywhere.

-3DS format models of Lighthouse and props + 2024x2024 texture map
-Bryce BR 5 format model of the Lighthouse Demo. Works with Bryce 5 or higher.
-Vue 5+ VOB Version of the Lighthouse and each individual prop! Works with Vue 5 or higher.
-Poser 5+ PP2 Prop Version of the Lighthouse and each individual prop! Works with Poser 5 or higher.


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