Historical Hair Male G3M G8M

Historical Hair Male G3M G8M

Historical Hair Male G3M G8M
For your princes, paupers, soldiers, judges, pirates, heroes and modern-day romantics, Historical Hair for Genesis 8 and Genesis 3 Male(s) has got you covered. This modular hair comes with four wearable presets, Simple (a low ponytail with wisps), Formal (classic eighteenth century side curls) Legal (perfect for the courtroom) and Regal (a bigger style with opulent side curls).

There is a hat morph to help fit the hair under hats, and style morphs to adjust the height and shape of the hair and the size of the hair bow. The ponytail has additional morphs to help with fitting over high collars.

Historical Hair comes with ten hair colours and twenty-four bow materials. This hair combines fiberhair technology together with a custom hair cap for optimal rendering and realism.

Hair fits are included for Ollie 8, Michael 8, Lucas 8, Darius 8, Owen 8 and Edward 8. Fits are also provided for many Genesis 3 Male characters. Other characters are supported by autofollow and the adjustment morphs included in the hair cap.

You should be aware that all fiberhairs are by their nature high on memory usage and may slow down lower end systems, but once loaded the hair typically renders faster than trans-mapped hair.


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