Poses That Jump All Over the Scene

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  • #1881058
    Rank: Rank-2

    We've all encountered this problem - you have a figure placed in your scene, apply a pose present and it flies off to some remote location. This is especially problematic with couples poses, and I apologize to those who downloaded my pose sets and have experienced this.

    I don't know how others deal with this issue, but at least with couples and group poses, I find it helpful to zero all figure poses and place them in a single null before applying poses. They may still fly away, but it's easier to put them where you want them.

    Hope this helps.

    Rank: Rank 5

    You can hold the Ctrl key when applying the pose and uncheck "translation". I do it for "scale" too as some one-click poses have the unfortunate habit of rescaling the figure.
    First thing I do when setting up a scene is to import a sphere to designate 0,0,0 (where my camera is), then move the entire room/house etc. to where I want to render. Any poses I apply from then on remains centred in front of the render camera.

    Rank: Rank-2

    Thanks for the tip. Who knew?😆

    Biff the Adequate
    Rank: Rank 4

    Must admit I tend to do that myself, only I import the building, room, environment etc, centre it to the location I need and then import the figures.

    So much less stressful! 😂😂😂😂

    Rank: Rank 5

    Ha ha great minds think alike @Unusualsuspex. The only reason I use the sphere is because the camera in hard to see when I've pulled back in the perspective view..

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