Penalty for false "Dead Post" reports

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  • #2025636
    Rank: Rank-1

    I was thinking exactly something in those lines ...

    when a link is reported dead , the poster should get a message and an option to hit a 'true' or 'false' button about the report after checking the link ...

    if false then the post stays active as it is, if 'true' then it is moved to the deadposts.

    this can perhaps avoid days of trying to recover the post from the deadposts as MXYZPTLK said...

    and eventually, hitting the 'false' button could also activate an option to the poster to deduct a certain amount of points from the reporter .. the decision then lies with the poster if he finds it necessary to imply this penalty or not ...

    but it is also true, most people just wan't to say .. 'hey I paid 50pnts and this link just doesn't work (whatever the cause ... e.g some get captcha's before the link opens .. I have never encountered a single captcha for that matter in a link..

    not working links are always
    a bad gateway, error 503, "service temporarily unavailable, try again in a few minutes" (seldom works) or "error 404 file not found (removed by uploader or removed due to violation of our terms of service)"

    but perhaps i'm thinking too simple 😀

    Rank: Rank 4

    the whole issue could actually be resolved programmatically forever, as I suggested in the past.
    When a user makes a "purchase", script runs for each available link to see if they still resolve to the proper final URL, and without file removed errors. If any links return TRUE status, purchase goes through and links provided. If no links return a TRUE condition, the purchase doesnt go through, and mods alerted to that post for manual verification, and if required, move to "dead post" status.

    I believe currently, even if a post is flagged as dead, it DOES NOT automatically go to dead post status, it requires a manual verification from a mod. This has been confirmed in the past by moderators that this is the process.

    Rank: Rank 5

    I disagree with this idea and I've had a fair few reports were it's been a local server problem and my links have been fine. Also 500pts might be a lot to newer members and I'd rather the site be a more forgiving friendly place than one that punishes people for mistakes.

    Chris B.
    Rank: Rank 5

    I often get false dead post reports when I have one of the five or six download links in my post not working. The issue is that its a waste of time for everyone to report a post dead when its not dead. Its not only a small waste of time for the person reporting the post, its a waste of time for the person who put the post up, and most of all, its a waste of time for the moderators who have to check every dead post/dead link report.

    In addition to it being a waste of time for everyone involved, if I message someone who reported the link dead when it wasn't and I do it in a friendly way, often I'd get back a reply that is unfriendly with foul language. So I stopped being overly friendly when sending a message to people who make false dead link reports about my posts and just explain to them that they are wasting everyone's time with the false dead link report and to only repost posts as dead if all of the download links don't work.

    Adding a points penalty might be a good idea if its more than one false dead post report in a short time. Maybe a warning for the first false report offense. However, you also don't want to discourage people from reporting dead links that are truly dead.

    Rank: Rank 6

    I would add the account suspension and the banning back to the table, instead of the point deduction 😀
    Of course, it can happen that there is something wrong on client side and XY member reports a link, but in my experience, they try to PM at least the poster or a mod asking for help (because they still need that item).

    So, if my dude is a false report spammer and won't stop after a notification or something they go to jail 😀

    If they still playing around after their jail time then it's time to feed the sharks 🦈🏴‍☠️

    Rank: Rank 4

    arrr make tha scallywag's walk the plank me matey ! 😛

    Rank: Rank 4

    The plank is for sissies, keelhaul them.
    [Tie a rope about them and, after passing the rope under the ship and bringing it up on deck on the opposite side, haul away, drag them down and around the keel of the vessel. The bottom of the ship is always covered with barnacles, nice 😁]

    Rank: Rank 4

    @Frank22 , for sissies ? it's shark infested waters and don't forget about releasing the Kraken ! 🙂

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