Iray Lighting for Dark-skinned models

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  • #1994188
    Rank: Rank-2

    I love my ladies of color, but getting their details to show up is a challenge. Any Iray lighting experts out there with some tips?


    Rank: Rank-1

    In real world photography you light dark skin exactly the same as lighter skin. If you add more light to get details then everything else gets more light too. You can use lights at more of an angle to bring out details depending on how close you are (head shot vs head and torso etc). Very light skin displays the same phenomena but in the opposite direction. On both light and dark subjects (if properly lit and exposed) the details are still there, we just don't notice them as much, especially if other items in the scene are more of a neutral or median brightness.

    Rank: Rank-1

    I've found certain textures give random results for me. Some skins look good under most circumstances while others are iffy. My solution was to take skins and subject them to multiple lighting scenarios. The ones that looked good under most conditions are the ones I regularly go to. The others are just taking up HD space.
    Find 2-3 good ebony skins and drop them on whatever moph you dial.

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