I found something in my old DVDs

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    Virginia Garcia
    Rank: Rank-1


    Recently, I have been listing my 2003-2010 dvds, as I was cleaning. And I found something I thing was requested (Aery Soul's Masquerade's Eve, plusMore textures for them by Motif and Eve Rose & Jewel Props -also for the masquerade's set). I have never uploaded anything, I don't know how to make anything (I just don't want to be considered a leecher, I found this, and I think somebody could want it).

    I also have to test Victoria 1 (the first one), Victoria 2 and Victoria 3, If the zips are fine, tell me if you want them...

    Rank: Rank-1

    If it's not already on the site you should post it. It's bound to be useful/wanted by someone and it's actually content the site was set up to host.

    Don Aldo Luis
    Rank: Rank-1

    I'm a old user of Poser and I still have Victoria 2 character but I lost so many items for Victoria 2 after a HHD crash and I always hop to find clothes, morphs and more. If you have it, simply share. I have many points I will use for thoses "souvenirs".

    Virginia Garcia
    Rank: Rank-1

    I will try to retrieve and test all the old stuff I find (I discarded some executables as they had triggered my antivirus).

    Rank: Rank-1

    Hi, I still use the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Gen DAZ figures A LOT. So I'd welcome all the stuff you can find for them. (Including freebies. Sadly, a lot of great stuff has been lost over the years)

    Here's a few examples of V2/V2P4's that currently live in my runtime:

    (WARNING: No real nudity, but some "Sexiness")


    THANKS A LOT for the kind offer!

    Rank: Rank-1

    "(I discarded some executables as they had triggered my antivirus)."

    Please don't!
    Many are probably false alarms.

    20yrs ago, there actually was a worm distributed with Daz3D exe files on eMule. (I got actually hit by it. Lol)
    But other than that, those AV warnings always turned out to be false alarms. (And that worm shouldn't be harmful anymore to modern Windows systems, anyway)

    Perhaps put the "suspicious" installers into a separate download, so that people could download at their own risk?
    And maybe convert those installers into ordinary .zip files instead?

    Virginia Garcia
    Rank: Rank-1

    The executables are on dvds, so yes, I could install them on a folder and recompress them. I will check what items I have again, so I sort the ones that are not here. And yes, I was on the Emule search 20 years ago! XD

    Mostly V4 items, and some environments, as I can remember (they are back in the shelf).

    The Masquerade link had been flagged, as I didn't change my GDrive privacy settings. But it should be fixed by now (sorry, I went to sleep). Please check if it could be downloaded, if not, I will retry again 🙂

    Rank: Rank 5

    "20yrs ago, there actually was a worm distributed with Daz3D exe files..."
    Yep I got it from P2P files about that time and had to reformat my HD.
    I've got quite a load of V2/V3 stuff so let me know if you want something specific.

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