dForce collision...

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    Rank: Rank-1

    Anyone know why dForce hates toes??


    Rank: Rank 4

    because dforce sucks ? 😀

    This is an issue for anything thin in any physics sim.

    I can't open DAZ right now, but there'll be a setting like frame steps, or sub steps or something like that... basically makes it double check its work each frame, set that to like 4 or something, increase it till it works.

    You might also increase the collision distance a bit.

    You might need to increase the subD of the mesh as well potentially, it may not have enough resolution to curve around something that small.

    Rank: Rank 4

    Collision: Best-Continuous: CCD
    Plane Converted to SubD
    View SubD Level 3
    Render SubD Level 3
    Resolution level: High
    SubDivision Algorithm: Bilinear

    Best results i got so far, still messing around.

    Rank: Rank-1

    @jbuckland1984 you could try adding velocity smoothing to the surface,
    it might be accelerating too much from whatever drape height you're dropping it from and hence not seeing the toes (although as @silverboax says increasing the subframes would help fix this too)

    Rank: Rank 4

    If i spammed the thread ... my bad. Stupid reply on my side never shows up. I'll just put text here. Pix if follow ups.

    My method:

    To get a good sheet, you need hi res plane this was with 150 subd, or object. SubD it, Triangulate it. Apply dforce dynamic mod, Apply smoothing modifier, targeting character. Increase preview render subd, crank up smoothing to like >15, set air resistance to 0.00

    I usually start with a 7 foot plane, scale to fit, with 150 sub divisions. Then use the Edit -> object -> convert to SubD so that i can get better bends. Some times I triangulate it as well, depending on how much tweaking i want to do to keep it from exploding.

    Rank: Rank 4

    dForce Presets are handy as well, to help the cloth behave like a sheet.
    search zoneGfx: dforce master cloth simulation presets

    Also, try create a few different sets of level of detail for it and your character. Obviously really low rez will sim quickly, but the results are not so great... but with a little extra daz post work you can smooth most of it out with smoothing and changing the LOD higher.

    With this one, I did every thing full res. Also got the
    search zoneGfx: scene optimizer

    In the scene optimizer, i crank up the Mesh Resolutions up even more to Preview 2, Render 3. It sucks some resources up, so make sure to disable anything you don't want dForce to consider in it's math.

    Then, I enabled smoothing, with character as collision item.
    And, most important, make your character a dForce static object, and give it like a .5 to 1.0 collision gap. This creates a nice buffer to keep the toes from tearing the sheet.

    If you want, for this scene, i can post all the settings or something, but this is dforce result after tweaking everything, mesh res, surface settings, etc.. One of the things i noticed with small items, disable stretch. The smaller faces poke through quicker, like a knife and cause the colliding object to 'tear'.

    It takes a lot of tweaking to get in that happy place between exploding cloths and poke through.

    Rank: Rank 4

    Char Params

    Rank: Rank 4

    char Surface

    Rank: Rank 4

    Plane(Sheet) Params

    Plane(Sheet) Surface

    Simulation Settings

    Rank: Rank 4

    and here is an view in wire frame to give an idea of how many subds i have in the sheet, you cant even make out the wire frame its so cut up 🙂

    Rank: Rank 4

    When I wanted to do fancy cloth sim in DAZ i exported it to MD and did it there instead 😀

    Rank: Rank 4

    @silverboaX, when you export to MD and bring back, is anything lost? I was using MD in the past, and felt i kept losing some settings when going back and forth.

    Rank: Rank 4

    sorry forgot this one - I just export the basic meshes I need to do a simulation and then only bring back the 'cloth' object to DAZ. Otherwise you'll lose textures and such, but if it's just a basic bit of cloth that's not really an issue you can just reapply them.

    Rank: Rank 3

    How to sink a character on a bed? I would see the characters patern on a matras. How to do that in dforce?

    Rank: Rank-1

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