DAZ - Breast collision with glass

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  • #1948414
    Rank: Rank-1

    I'm trying to create a scene where the characters breasts are pressed up against a glass surface. The camera will be placed on the opposite side of the glass, but it always end up looking weird. I'm using Brestacular to do the collision. Have anyone done this sucessfully?

    Collision looking weird
    Collision looking weird

    Rank: Rank 3

    You might want to ask this over at Renderotica. These are the sort of folks who will have done this kind of thing a lot. Boobs of all shapes, sizes and configurations is (are?) one thing they know a lot about.

    Rank: Rank-1

    That's a good idea, I'll do that - thanks!

    Rank: Rank 5

    try thin Walled off or on.
    I found this.

    Thin Walled - This property sets the volumetric effects of the surface. Compare a bubble (on) to a marble (off) for example.
    On - When the property is on, the surface takes on the characteristics of a thin walled surface.
    Off - When this property is off, the surface takes on the characteristics of a thicker or solid surface item. Thin Walled must be off to get volumetric effects such as Sub Surface Scattering.

    Rank: Rank 3

    Ahhhh, the shower scene. I'm intrigued with what's gonna happen next.

    Richard Yan
    Rank: Rank 7

    Do not use collision but just use the morphs from some products like FG Squishy, iV Squish Morphs... Finetune the dials, positions and distance etc... Turn off Thin Wall as @lucafeelgood mentioned.

    Rank: Rank-1

    Thank you all for your great advice - very much appreciated!
    I'll let you know when I have a result 🙂

    Rank: Rank-1

    Hi all,
    I received another suggestion on how to do the scene, and it was so straight forward that I gave it a shot.
    In short - put a primitive between the character and the glass object. Collide with the primitive and then hide the primitive.


    Thank you everyone for all your good advice!

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