CONTEST:: June 2020 : Escape from reality (30k pot)

Home Page Forums Art Competition CONTEST:: June 2020 : Escape from reality (30k pot)

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  • #1610129
    Mark Sinister
    Rank: Rank 4

    Uh, don't want to sound like a negative nellie but are you guys actually making your artwork fit the theme? or are you just making artwork?

    * Create and render a scene depicting an escape from reality. Whatever comes to your mind, or something well know. Make it yours.

    Just curious how some of them fit with the theme?

    Rank: Rank 4

    I like to call this one... Game Changer...
    the escape of our real world into the world of virtual fantasy...


    Rank: Rank 4

    I call this one "LOst"

    just reminds us of how fragile our own minds are and how easy it is to break away from our own reality...


    Rank: Rank 5


    You make a good point, but the theme lends itself to different interpretations. AB also states in the initial announcement to render whatever comes to your mind.

    Rank: Rank-1

    I've been gone awhile but its hard to pass up a good contest. Here's Two

    Level One

    Who Watches

    postimage always crushes my images so heres the original links

    Mark Sinister
    Rank: Rank 4

    Well here's my post. Didn't think I could get it done. I was trying to do the Matrix... With a book, VR glasses were already taken. Then again a lot of people seem to have thought that too.

    Escape Reality

    Rank: Rank 4

    Adam, i use postimage as well.
    I drag and drop a 1920 x 1080 image and i always choose the option to not resize the image.
    Then I check the size of my posted image and its changed to 1280 x 720.
    I cant work out why this always happens, but I am not fussed.
    Im just always happy that I can actually get pics to show up in a post.:)

    Rank: Rank 4

    Back to Narnia // incomplete

    Beings i've been more focusing on studying, i only got a chance to do a 1/4 ass'd (not even) attempt, i had this whole escape to narnia idea... and didn't get time to work on it... job more important at the moment... everytime i started to work on the scene, i got anxiety and knew if i had the time to do this, i should be studying... though with the anxiety and stress, i usually crawled under a blanket... lol. I'll just finish as a personal goal later. But the general idea is there. not for consideration, but it's what sparked my idea for the contest, until i got that email taht said, dude, your cert expired last month ... wtf!? wish me luck, taking test this week... SEC+ SY0-501 ... total BS

    Rank: Rank 4

    Great Turnout!!! Yay!!! I'll get the thread locked sometime tomorrow, if there are entries that didn't make the deadline, post them anyway, we would love to see them.

    After this one wraps up, look for July or August Competitions... 🙂

    Rank: Rank 4

    Ok, Contest entries are closed.

    , can you lock the thread?

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