Clothing conversion from Genesis female 1/2 and V4 to GF8

Home Page Forums Request Clothing conversion from Genesis female 1/2 and V4 to GF8


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  • #1932326
    Kirca Zerkma
    Rank: Rank-1

    I got a few products I bought when back when that I'd love to see on Genesis 8! I know there's those conversion programs, but they don't always work very well, especially on old figures like GF1/2 and V4. So here I am, asking if someone can do it for me!
    I can upload my products onto my google drive so the ressources can be properly use and converted! Also, if someone know to go as far as to also convert the dynamics from poser to Dforce, that would be like a cherry on a cake!

    Thank you in advance! 🙂

    Rank: Rank-1

    I'm not sure how advanced of a user you are, but I went ahead and produced this OBJ for you:

    If you import it using 'Morph Loader Pro' you'll find It's a clone morph for Genesis 2 Female that makes the model (and any clothes attached to her) morph into the Genesis 8 base shape. With this you could:
    - Hide the model and export the clothes as an obj.
    - Import the clothes as new geometry and conform it to Genesis 8 Female using 'Figure Transfer'
    - Now the clothes are conforming to G8F and will follow the character's poses or morphs
    - Last steps would be adding a smoothing modifier which would fix any poke throughs and copy the textures from the original clothes using copy/paste in the surfaces tab.

    Kirca Zerkma
    Rank: Rank-1

    Ho thank you! I'll try to grab a hand over this, but for now, I have no clue about making anything for saz, although, I'm beginning to want to try to make my own stuff! ^^;
    Thank you! D

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