can someone answer me please??

Home Page Forums General Chat can someone answer me please??


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  • #1204398
    Rank: Rank-1

    so i looked at the request forum and i saw people typing:
    -ill add ---- points for upload.
    -ill add ---- points for website.
    so can someone tell me what does this need
    thank you all.....

    Rank: Rank 5

    They're usually interchangeable, ie, if you upload a requested item to Mega, and send the link to the people requesting it (offering points), they will send you points for the link.

    However, some want you to also share the asset here, on the site, and a few won't give you points if you don't.

    Usually, people offer points, and assume you'll upload the asset to the site as well as share it directly with them.

    Personally, I think that any asset you're willing to share with specific individuals, should also be uploaded to the site so anyone can buy it with points, but I know some have other opinions on that.

    Rank: Rank 3

    You may be referring to some of my threads.

    In my case, I offer an amount of points, usually 10,000, if they send me the product or upload it in any form. Then, if they allow me to upload it here, gaining me more points for everyone that downloads it, I offer an additional 5,000 points.

    Rank: Rank-1

    there also people who tend to not post it to zonegfx,so there some community-minded requester that put --point if its uploaded to the website(zonegfx) clause to give them an incentive to put them to site

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