Bright hair = longer render time ?

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  • #2006151
    Rank: Rank 5

    @d0gg0d , "That house seems very interesting to me...". Another thing is the cost. 🙂

    Chris B.
    Rank: Rank-2

    I really haven't noticed a significant difference in render time between hair colors when I rendered the same scene with the same figure and just a different hair color. Maybe its an issue with specific hair assets?

    Rank: Rank 5

    @bavor , Any hair can have more polygons than the figure and clothing combined. This is "Miranda Hair for G8F": 196884 polygons. Now we add textures, an alpha channel, etc..., and we add the physics of light...
    It also depends on the hardware: if you have an i5 or an i9, a GPU with 4 or 64 VRAM, etc...

    Result?: Bald are more beautiful. 😀

    Chris B.
    Rank: Rank-2

    I'm well aware that hair can have more polygons. It still doesn't make a difference with different hair colors having different render times in my experience. I've done multiple renders of the same character in the same scene with different hair colors(blonde, red, brown/black) multiple times(with different scenes and hair assets) and there wasn't a significant difference in render time. That's why I said, "Maybe its an issue with specific hair assets" because its not something that is noticeable the multiple times I've done it.

    Rank: Rank 5

    I do not know the hair used by @nightwolf99 . I don't think it's a specific problem of the asset: they are all equally clumsy..., even in Maya or C4D...(Although these are "vectorial", to say it in a general way...) Hair, together with fluids (gases, liquids...) are very time consuming. I usually use Realflow or "biFrost" "simulations" in Maya for fluids, but rarely. In Solidworks (CAD/CAM) they work differently.

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