Apply Native American War Paint?

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  • #1895988
    Rank: Rank-1

    I have the bundle installed and I can see the textures under materials but I have no clue how to apply them.

    Selecting G8 character then clicking the textures does nothing.


    Rank: Rank-1

    Does it throw any errors when clicking apply?
    If not i suggest just opening the texture folder and applying them manually then you can save them as a preset.

    Rank: Rank-1

    heres a guess since I dont have it installed but looked at the file contents.

    It looks like they might be applied to a geoshell. The paint textures are not build into the actual skin.

    If it wont instantly apply to a geoshell then, one image will probably be the base color, another will go under cutout and the third probably is translucency. Just turn the rest of the shell off.

    If it works great if not someone with more knowledge of these thing may chime in.

    Rank: Rank 5

    I don't know about your own particular case, but I think you should select the body part before choosing the material. (It is not the same to apply a material to "the whole body" than to a part.) Otherwise, like some "PA's" who don't give a damn if you've paid for it before..., well, the best It will be to examine the textures in their corresponding folder, and apply them "by hand"

    Rank: Rank-1

    I tried the G8F version and it works ok.

    The textures load into "Diffuse Overlay Color" on the head and torso. The transparencies load into "Diffuse Overlay Weight". They aren't visible in the regular viewport. They only show up in an iray render.

    And you just need G8F selected in the Scene tab. It knows where to put the textures.

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