CountrySide Valley (Vue)

CountrySide Valley (Vue)

CountrySide Valley (Vue)
Inspired by some of beautiful places close to where I live, COUNTRYSIDE VALLEY is a little and complete Vue environment made in the same style as "A path to Oasis", to be a starting point for your own compositions, a source of inspiration or a learning tool as you need.
A path crosses the whole terrain in different places, populated by woods and grassy areas, a bit like an invitation to walk in and discover what might be hidden... A maize field grows in the valley that might be also a farm place or anything else.
The environment created with the help of GeoControl2 comes with a multi-layered mat/ecosystems applied onto a single terrain res. 2048x2048. One of the most important things is probably that you'll find 16 cameras located in various places, including the main and the top views.
The different ecosystems provided are mainly based on native Vue plants and the eco-forest comes already populated within the scene file. So keep in mind you'll have to repopulate manually all the other ones. A population chart and a small user guide are also provided in PDF format to help you in the management of the scene.

Content details:
-1 scene file with the forest already populated.
-8 slightly modified plants from native Vue ones.
Please note: only the Maize plant, the young tree and the long grass are provided as new species.
-5 separated basic mats including a template and the full mat used in the scene
-11 functions used to manage all ecosystem populations.
-13 separated GIF images used as masks for material distribution.
-1 population chart and 1 small user guide in PDF format.
-Image refs and ecosystem maps.

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