Catherine HD for Genesis 8 Female(s)

Catherine HD for Genesis 8 Female(s)

Catherine HD for Genesis 8 Female(s)

Maybe you recognize this girl... just as if you stumbled across an image on the gram or possibly a makeup tut- on the tube. Her name is Catherine, and this custom sculpted beauty is a social media queen. Although a natural beauty, Catherine still likes to look her best... even if it costs a bit.

Catherine loves doing her makeup and loves sharing all of her strategies with her followers. Skip the tutorial though, as these makeups come on a geometry shell that can used on Catherine and all of her Genesis 3 and 8 friends that share the same UV!

Catherine comes with loads of stuff and options! Penciled eyebrows? Check! Pierced ears?? Check! Check out "What's Included and Features" for a complete list, and get Catherine to rule your Social Media-inspired renders.

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