Some of My Renders

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  • #750138
    Rank: Rank-1

    Working with candle lighting. Poser11

    This is my one and only DAZ render

    Rank: Rank-1

    Like them mostly but images appear very dark on my screen. Even with the brightness at max. Maybe its just a "style" but I can see this better

    Rank: Rank-1

    Ive had issues in past with either my eyes or my screen.
    Things being to dark for me.

    In Shadow Lords recent render of a girl with a hat on, the shadows hide part of her face. The part not hidden is lit well and the shadow is still very dark. In that picture I do not expect to see much in the shadow so my eyes are drawn toward the face. In some of these my eyes wander around the page trying to focus on anything since "to me" its either very dark in some spots or evenly lit across the entire frame with a dull yellow light. I am aware of the antique / faded yellow look but I feel something is off. Not sure what though.

    Rank: Rank 7

    like the renders, really nice, is that rendered with 3Delight?

    Adams Version would be to bright for me too, the only thing I would change is giving the images more a bit more dynamic lightning. Eg. if you use only hdri or ghostlights, they tend to give a flat light effect.

    Rank: Rank-1

    I think Ive nailed down what it is. Im not use to Images in this style. It appears to me to be similar to a HDR image

    as well as an Antique Image with color.

    Im more use to this.

    That said, the third Image is my favorite. But yes I tend to add to much brightness sometimes since its easier for me to see.

    Rank: Rank-1

    Hey guys, thanks for the comments. I do make alot of my readers a little on the dark side but it's not always completely intentional. For the Victorian girl, I was using the candle lights that were pre-set with the scene. For the crouching girl, it was attempt at using moonlight style lighting. I use Firefly to render my stuff because, for some reason, my computer DOES NOT play well with the newer remder engine in Poser. Im glad you all like my work and, if you've got pointers/critique, I'm always willing to hear what people have to say. 🙂

    Rank: Rank-1

    Thanks for sharing your art. So long as you are happy with it, its right. Only others can offer opinions. If you are not happy with it then the opinion become more like advice.

    Rank: Rank-1

    I like the feedback. I've rarely taken much of anything as an insult. Lol

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