Please include Mega alternatives

Home Page Forums General Chat Please include Mega alternatives

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  • #2115581
    Rank: Rank-1

    I keep having this problem where Mega downloads glitch half way through. When this happens, mega will count the download against the limit. I'm basically getting a coupe of gigs a day max out of Mega because of constant failures. I'm sure it's from living in a rural area connecting to Mega's crappy servers. If you do use Mega, please provide an alternative. Thank you for considering my request.

    Rank: Rank 3

    .. one more irritating thing about mega is when you actually save the file..
    .. i have all my browsers ask me where to save the files (no automatic downloads) and i normally change the filename to suit my tastes..
    .. all the other download sites ask me where to save the file when the download starts.. but mega has to be different.. it asks me where to save the file once the file is completely downloaded..
    .. i normally start the download and move on to my other things.. but with mega you have to wait till the download is done or keep checking every now and then..

    .. just my rants.. 🙂

    Paul (Fuzzy3000)
    Rank: Rank 5


    If you are referring to the odd times that Mega will freeze a DL try this:

    If you get a 'freeze' do nothing to Mega

    Hopefully you are using a vpn -- change location.
    Refresh the page
    When the page resumes - Mega should say you have interrupted DL, do you wish to resume. Obviously, pick yes.
    The DL should continue. Also the change in location will reset the daily limit.

    You can also use the change vpn method at any time that Mega says limit exceeded.

    If these happen when you are not on a vpn just start one up then refresh.

    Rank: Rank-2

    Happens to me constantly.Sometimes if i pause then restart the DL it will take a minute then start.Some Dl's Take half a dozen restarts but it usually works,

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