- more aggressive policy ahead? (possible future DL problems)

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  • #2106695
    Rank: Rank 3

    did somebody have the same encounters these days with MEGA?
    MEGA has obviously changed their DL policy recently. This could cause problems with larger download packages in the future. People who download without beeing logged into a MEGA account get a window, which demands to download the MEGA desktop app or the browser plug-in to be able to continue with the download. The window says there is not enough space, even with hundreds of GB free space still available on the HDD.
    The behaviour might be different in other countries. MEGA uses different transfer limits in several countries and depending on the load and tranfer volume of the last 6h.
    The problem occurs with large files and large folder downloads. (Some of my shares are 2+GB)
    I don't have problems when logged into my free MEGA account or using the browser plugin. Also jDownloader works without any problems, even without a registered account on MEGA.
    However, if some people refuse to use these helper tools it might become difficult to share large files on MEGA in the future. Personally, I don't want to move all those GBs of stuff I am able to share on MEGA anonymously, especially not to Google, where you cannot manage to be anonymous any more.
    Bunkr is slow and crappy, Mediafire causes a lot of DL problems recently (cloudflare),...
    Seems to me that people have to be more flexible to use helper tools.
    Archiving in a split archive seems to be the only workable alternative, though very unconvenient for the uploader and downloader. Only downloading file by file would work. Folder download is again limited.

    Rank: Rank-2

    I ran into that about a week ago. What I did was save the url, log out of zone, clear my history/cookies, etc. and access the url from my browser address bar.

    The fact that it worked without a problem, then, caused me to suspect it might have something to do with the referrer, but it's anybody's guess.

    Rank: Rank 7

    I've noticed a few problems when trying to download some media. Sometimes I need to refresh my browser a few times. Yet to see if there are any complaints about it on the website where I down certain media from.

    Paul (Fuzzy3000)
    Rank: Rank 5

    No problems with Mega - but I exclusively use the free account for files - and import any DLs to there for access.

    The only real issues I have [minor DL errors aside with the known crappy sites] is from Bunkr.
    Heard ALL the arguments for using it - none of them matter as my location [even when using a vpn] is one that will not allow access to any Russian sites [other than the odd [very] glitch when a connection slips through.
    Any DLs from there I will always try - but even before doing so I am resolved to not be able to get that item.

    Rank: Rank-2

    My grandson just turned me on to this:

    Click on the Zone download links you want, but just save the Mega url(s) in the address bar to Notepad.
    Don't start any downloads from from Mega, just move on to the next download you want, save it's Mega url.

    When you have all your Mega urls in Notepad, open MegaBasterd and paste all your links in.

    Mega has a 5GB per IP per day limit, but with MegaBasterd, you can go over the limit all in one session, IF you use a VPN (which most all of us do).

    When your downloads hit the Mega limit, MegaBasterd will pause, waiting for you to change your IP.
    After you change the IP in your VPN, it takes a minute for MegaBasterd to pick up the change, then it resumes your downloads until they're completed or you hit the next 5GB limit, which again requires another IP change.

    But you don't have to 'do' anything except change your IP every now and again, depending on the size of your combined downloads.

    I couldn't get the img tag to work, but here's the screen-grab, if you want to take a look:

    Paul (Fuzzy3000)
    Rank: Rank 5


    You can do exactly the same thing without leaving Mega - or needing to import links the way you mention.

    Just import all the Mega links you need to.
    Select all links in Mega for DL.

    When Mega informs you that the daily limit has been exceeded close the notification from Mega - but not Mega itself.

    Change your vpn connection.
    Reload your Mega page and confirm Resume for existing DL.... Done. 🙂

    One thing to keep note of if you have multiple DLs at the time the limit is exceeded; Mega will only resume the running DL at that time - you just need to take note of those selected and add them to the DL list again. [check the DL completed list to avoid duplicates]


    Rank: Rank 3

    Well, the quota limit is a common thing. To not have to bother about which dl has to be resumed I use jDownloader. It works for hundreds of services and normal downloads and supports many with accounts. So in combination with my free MEGA account I didn't have any problems at all so far, but I can reproduce the problem of one of my "customers" when switching to a incognito tab, where there are no accounts and no old cookies, etc. Then MEGA throws the message.
    So I'm very happy with my own setup, but people could refuse to give the points for DL if they need to open an account or do additional stuff to download.

    Rank: Rank-2

    @Sammy & Paul: Thanks for the tips, I'll give both a try. Like I told Paul earlier, The advantage with MegaBasterd is that you don't need an account, it gets rid of the referrer and you don't have to keep track of anything except changing your IP. But, like you said, it does mean you have to scrape the actual Mega urls, so no free-lunch.

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